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词汇 过滤
例句 Boil some potatoes, drain, and strain off sufficient water into a separate container.把一些土豆放到沸水中煮,沥干并把大量水过滤到单独的容器中。I employ a secretary to screen my telephone calls.我雇了一位秘书为我过滤电话。The water was filtered through charcoal.这水是透过炭来过滤的。Reed beds filter out much of the pollution.长有芦苇的河床过滤掉许多污染物。They've begun filtering their water to remove impurities.他们已经开始将水进行过滤,以去除杂质。Dustbags act as a filter and suction will be reduced if they are too full.集尘袋起到过滤作用,如果所集的灰尘太多,其吸附作用就会减小。Plants and trees filter carbon dioxide out of the air and produce oxygen.花草树木会过滤掉空气中的二氧化碳并制造氧气。The soured milk is strained through muslin to leave a soft ball of cheese.酸奶用平纹细布过滤后,剩下一团可以揉捏成形的软奶酪。The air in the factory is filtered to remove impurities.工厂里的空气要经过过滤,以清除其中的杂质。The solution is purified by passing it through a carbon filter.这溶液经碳过滤装置净化。This machine mainly uses in filtering the syrup.该机主要用于过滤糖浆。I screen every call and answer them only when I care to.我对所有来电进行过滤,只接听那些我想接的。Everything we download from the Internet is automatically filtered through our virus software.我们从因特网上下载的所有东西杀毒软件都会自动进行过滤Strain the juice through a piece of gauze or a sieve.用一块纱布或过滤网将果汁过滤一下。Even a small amount of rain can leach the toxic material from the soil.即使少量的雨水也能够将土壤里的有毒物质过滤掉。Strain the fruit through a sieve, discarding the liquid.用筛子过滤果实,去除汁液。Strain the mixture through a double thickness of muslin or cheesecloth.用双层平纹细布或干酪包布过滤混合料。The kidneys contain millions of tiny filtering units called nephrons.肾脏中含有几百万个被称为肾元的过滤单位。The mucous membranes filter out dust and toxic substances.黏膜会过滤掉灰尘和有毒物质。The company attempted to censor the Internet.该公司试图对因特网信息进行过滤Net users can filter out unwanted emails with software.网络用户可以使用软件过滤掉不需要的电子邮件。The foam operates as a very effective filter.泡沫材料起到很有效的过滤作用。The ozone layer fliters harmful UV rays from the sun.臭氧层过滤掉有害的太阳紫外线。You can filter out spam with special software.你可以使用专门的软件过滤掉滥发的垃圾电子邮件。So many journalists were phoning him that he decided to screen his calls.这么多的记者打电话给他,因此他决定过滤电话。The water in the tank is constantly filtered.鱼缸里的水在不停地过滤The filtration system provides the crew with clean air free from fumes.过滤系统使得全体人员能够呼吸到没有烟雾的清新空气。Press the raspberries through a fine sieve to form a puree.用一个细筛子将山莓压碎过滤,以制成山莓泥。You can purify water by boiling and filtering it.你可以用煮沸和过滤的方式使水纯净。You can purify the air with a filtration system.你可以用过滤系统来净化空气。Sunglasses can filter out harmful ultraviolet rays.太阳镜能过滤有害的紫外线。She strained the gravy. = She strained the lumps out of the gravy.过滤了肉汁。The technology exists to remove all of these contaminants through filtration.这一技术就是利用过滤的方法除去这些污染物的。Strain the stock and put it back into the pan.将汤汁过滤后重新倒入锅内。The best prevention for cholera is to boil or filter water.预防霍乱的最佳方法是把水烧开或过滤This enzyme would make the filtration of beer easier.这种酶会使啤酒更容易过滤One or both eyes cannot filter light properly because the corneal surface is irregular.因为角膜表面异常,一只眼睛或双眼均无法正常过滤光线。Change the filter cartridge as often as instructed by the manufacturer.按照生产厂家的使用说明,经常更换过滤筒。A much easier way of clarifying the butter is to pass it through a clean tea towel or damp cheesecloth after melting.净化黄油有一种简单得多的方法,就是将其融化后用干净的茶巾或潮湿的干酪包布过滤The best prevention for cholera is to boil or filter water, and eat only well-cooked food.预防霍乱的最佳方法是将水煮沸或过滤,并且只食用煮熟后的食物。




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