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词汇 过早
例句 It's quite possible that you will get the job, but don't count your chickens before they are hatched.你很有可能得到这工作,但也别过早乐观。I ran up against the problem of getting taken seriously long before I became a writer.我突然遇到了这样的问题:虽然还没有成为作家,却过早受到了重视。The early thaw preindicated an avalanche.解冻过早预示着会有一场雪崩。The newspaper jumped the gun and announced the wrong candidate as winner of the election.报纸过早报道,把赢得选举的候选人弄错了。He jumped the gun and opened the test before the teacher said to start.在老师说开始前,他行动过早,先翻开了试卷。The sun had prematurely aged him.日晒使他过早显老。Starting formal education too early can be of serious detriment to the child.过早开始正规教育会对儿童大为不利。Too much success too early can cause you to grow overconfident.过早取得太多成功会使你变得过分自信。Stay in bed extra late or get up specially early.起床过晚或过早They must be kicking themselves for selling their shares too early.他们一定为过早抛出股票而懊恼不已。He made the fatal mistake of compromising early.他犯了过早妥协的致命错误。His retirement seems premature.他的退休似乎过早了。It's considered bad/poor form to arrive so early. = It's not considered good form to arrive so early. 到得过早被认为是不合乎礼节的行为。We should hear his explanation before we jump to the conclusion that he's to blame.我们应该先听听他的解释,不要过早判定他有过失。Don't jump to conclusions! Perhaps it was his daughter he was dancing with.过早下结论!也许和他跳舞的是他女儿。The president blew his stack over the premature news leak.总统因消息过早泄漏出去而大光其火。Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans.事故仍然是美国人过早死亡的头号原因。He timed himself so that he would not arrive at his destination too early.他控制自己的步速,为的是不至于过早到达目的地。He lost considerable of the crop from shattering.由于过早落粒他损失了相当一部分收成。Don't be beforehand in making up your mind.不要过早作出决定。Drug dependence led to her early death.药物依赖导致她过早死亡。It's dangerous to jump to early conclusions.结论下得过早是很危险的。The trick about winning elections is not to peak too early in the campaign.在竞选中获胜的技巧是不要在竞选活动中过早达到最佳状态。He went to an early grave with a necrotic liver.他因肝坏死而过早去世。The author resolves the tension too soon.作者过早结束了紧张氛围。Her untimely return could spoil Miss Melville's entire evening.她的过早归来可能会破坏梅尔维尔小姐整个晚上的兴致。




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