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词汇 和睦相处
例句 The Smiths were living in peace with the neighbors.史密斯一家与左邻右舍和睦相处That did not prevent our getting on very well together.那并未妨碍我们在一起和睦相处The two countries are at peace.两国现在和睦相处These neighboring states had lived in concord for centuries.这些邻国几百年来和睦相处The Muslim residents say they are ready and willing to live side by side with their neighbors again.穆斯林居民称,他们非常乐意和邻居重修旧好,和睦相处As neighbors, they had lived peaceably for many years.作为邻居,多年来他们和睦相处To live together harmoniously as men and women is an achievement.两性能和睦相处就是一种成就。If you can't live in peace with your little brother then get out of the house.如果你没法和你弟弟和睦相处,就滚出这座房子。It's a good idea to keep in with the boss.与老板和睦相处是个好主意。We live in peace with our neighbours.我们与邻居和睦相处We are on a friendly footing with all our neighbours.我们同所有的邻居和睦相处They lived in amity with their neighbors.他们与邻居和睦相处Let's drop our enmity and smoke the pipe of peace.让我们尽弃怨仇,和睦相处吧。It is their hope that the races can live in harmony.这是他们的希望,即不同种族的人都能够和睦相处Compatibility is just as important as romantic love.和睦相处就和浪漫的爱情一样重要。We are on a friendly footing.我们彼此和睦相处May I be able to cotton with the man she's set her heart on?我能与她倾心的男子和睦相处吗?One important factor in enjoying your work is to get on well with the people around you.要想在工作时心情舒畅,和周围的人和睦相处非常重要。He was his own worst enemy, too uncompromising to get on with politicians and too aloof to win the affection of ordinary people.他是自作自受,一方面不懂妥协,无法与政客们和睦相处,另一方面又孤傲冷漠,不能赢得大众的喜爱。It's hard to relate to someone who has such wild/extreme mood swings. 很难与一个喜怒无常的人和睦相处We are on good terms with our neighbors.我们与邻居和睦相处We live in peace with our neighbors.我们与邻居和睦相处The honeymoon between Congress and the President was very brief.国会与总统之间和睦相处了一段很短的时间。The only way to get along with him is to humor him.与他和睦相处的唯一方法就是迁就他。He wished to live in amity with his neighbour.他希望与邻居和睦相处She had hoped the couple would put on a show of unity.她曾经希望那对夫妇会表现出和睦相处的样子。Brothers and sisters should live together in unity.兄弟姊妹应当在一起和睦相处We must try to live in peace and harmony with ourselves and those around us.我们必须努力和我们自己及周围的人和睦相处The two nations have lived in concord for many years.这两国已和睦相处多年。We managed to rub along together.我们设法保持和睦相处Families have to learn to rub along.一家人要学会和睦相处It's impossible to get along with him.根本无法跟他和睦相处We need to rise above our anger/frustration and find a way to get along with each other.我们需要摆脱愤怒/沮丧情绪,找到一个彼此和睦相处的方法。The generation gap makes it hard for children to relate to their parents.代沟使得儿女们很难跟父母和睦相处They are at peace with each other.他们彼此和睦相处The two men decide to coexist as peacefully as possible.这两个男人决定尽量和睦相处I'm weary of fighting. Let's try to get along.我讨厌争斗,我们尽量和睦相处吧。Cats and birds are seldom compatible.猫和鸟很少能和睦相处




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