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词汇 边缘
例句 She was saved by a policeman who had managed to edge gradually closer to her dangling body.她被一名警察救了,这名警察设法沿着楼房边缘逐渐接近她悬吊着的身体。A few planes were parked on the perimeter track of the airfield.几架飞机停在机场边缘的跑道上。Zidane completed the rout with a low shot from the edge of the penalty area.齐达内在罚球区边缘的一记低射将对手彻底击败。His house is located on the edge of the city.他的房屋坐落在市区的边缘The leaves of this plant have ragged edges.这种植物的叶子边缘参差不齐。Let the pastry overhang the rim and brush between the layers with the melted butter.用油酥面皮盖住边缘,每层之间抹些熔化的黄油。The edges must overlap each other or weeds will push through the gaps.边缘必须互搭在一起,否则杂草会从缝隙中钻出来。The edge of the battle area shifted westward.战区的边缘已西移。The recesses are decorated with gold stars, with smaller stars painted along the edges.那些壁龛用金色的星星作装饰,边缘则用漆绘着小一些的星星。Her washing machine tends to fray edges on intricate designs.她的洗衣机经常会把织物上的一些复杂图案的边缘磨坏。The situation verged on disaster.形势接近于灾难的边缘Be sure to wear gloves when smoothing mirror edges.磨平镜子边缘时一定要戴手套。Most superstores are built on the edge of town.大多数超级商场建在城镇边缘At the edge of the city, black and white areas border each other.在城市的边缘地带,黑人区和白人区相互毗连。She had been driven over the edge by the separation from her husband.丈夫离她而去,把她逼向疯狂的边缘Many folds are the result of rocks being crumpled at plate boundaries.许多褶皱是岩石在板块边缘受挤压扭曲而成的。The country was on the brink of an abyss.国家处在深渊的边缘Millions live close to the margin while corruption is rife.腐败盛行时,数百万的人在这个边缘徘徊。Homeopathy is on the periphery of medical practice.顺势疗法处于医疗的边缘范围。There were chips on the rim of the plate.这个盘子的边缘有些缺口。Make sure the edges are level before you glue them together.你把它们粘贴在一起时要确保边缘对齐。They put up tents on the fringes of the woods.他们在树林边缘搭起帐篷。Samandari lives in a small dusty village on the edge of the desert.萨曼达里住在沙漠边缘的一个干而多尘的小村庄里。Plant bulbs shallowly, against a wall or as edging.把球根种得浅一点,靠着墙或者当做边缘He stood on the edge of the roof, poised to jump.他站在房顶的边缘,准备往下跳。The stock market was on the brink of collapse.股市已到崩盘的边缘We saw a few cabins by the edge of the thick forest.我们在密林边缘看见几间小木屋。Crimp the edges to seal them tightly.边缘折起来以便封紧。There's an enormous oak tree at the edge of the garden.花园的边缘有一棵巨大的橡树。I sat on the edge of a chair and forced a beer down.我坐在椅子的边缘上,勉强喝下一杯啤酒。She was on the verge of a nervous breakdown when she finally sought help.她最终求助时已经濒临精神崩溃的边缘Poverty pushed them to the breaking point.贫穷把他们推向了崩溃的边缘He stitched a design along the border of the tablecloth.他沿着桌布边缘缝制了一个图案。The economy is poised on the edge of collapse.经济处于崩溃边缘The president placed the republic on a war footing.总统把共和国推到了战争的边缘He has always remained on the fringes of mainstream politics.他一直处在主流政治的边缘A stone rolled over the edge of the cliff.一块石头从山崖的边缘滚下。Thousands of refugees are dying because of the incompetence and maladministration of local officials.由于地方官员的无能和渎职,数千上万的难民正处于死亡的边缘The party remained on the fringe of the political scene.该党一直处在政坛的边缘地位。He got a handhold on the edge of the pool and pulled himself out of the water.他抓住池子边缘,费力从水里爬了出来。




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