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词汇 辩护
例句 If the company chooses to pursue the matter through the courts we will defend our position vigorously.如果公司选择提起诉讼的话,我们将会有力地对我们的立场加以辩护I'd like to go to bat for you on this, but it's a waste of effort.我很想就此为你辩护,但那是白费力气。He steadied his nerves before he defended himself.他在为自己辩护前先使自己的情绪镇定下来。BBC leaders rallied to his defence.英国广播公司的领导们合力为他辩护Because he was indigent, the court appointed a lawyer to defend him.由于他贫穷,法庭指定了一位律师为其辩护A good lawyer is able to argue with power and conviction.出色的律师能提供有力辩护,让人信服。When other people accused her of being lazy, he leaped to her defense. 别人指责她懒惰时,他立刻开始为她辩护He has hired a lawyer to defend him against the allegations.他已聘请了一位律师针对这些指控为自己辩护She defended her friend's behavior.她为朋友的行为辩护I more or less caved in, though I still defended my explanation.尽管我还为自己的解释辩护,我或多或少屈服了。The lawyer defended him pro bono. 这名律师为他无偿辩护The court ordered the appointment of an attorney to represent the child.法院下令委派一名律师为这个孩子辩护The prosecution accepted a plea of manslaughter.控方认可了过失杀人的辩护He pleaded the case for continued cooperation with the Russians.他极力为继续与俄国人合作的事辩护His lawyer has garnered considerable evidence in his defence.他的律师已为他收集了相当多的辩护证据。Evelyn Waugh came to Wilson's defence and acknowledged the brilliance of the book's themes.伊夫林·沃站出来为威尔逊辩护,认为这部小说的主题非同凡响。He delivered a defence of the nation's foreign policy.他作了一次为该国外交政策辩护的讲话。She stoutly defended him.她顽强地为他辩护The politicians would shelter themselves behind the excuse that they had been badly informed.这些政客们为自己辩护,借口说是他们未曾得悉情况。I thought she argued her case very well.我觉得她为自己辩护得很好。Healey agreed to defend two young men, who were being framed in a local murder case.希利同意为两名青年男子辩护,他们被诬陷卷入当地的一宗谋杀案。The suspect invoked his right to an attorney.嫌疑犯行使了请律师为自己辩护的权利。There is surely much to be said in extenuation of it.肯定可以说出一大堆理由为这事辩护At the meeting Mark made some cutting remarks about Sally, who wasn't there to defend herself.马克在会议上说了一些挖苦萨莉的话,可她不在场没法为自己辩护The attorney quickly turned his main defense argument on its head.那位律师很快完全改变了主要的辩护思路。He justified his actions with specious reasoning.他用貌似正确的推理为自己的行为辩护She is an untiring advocate for the poor.作为一名律师,她一直孜孜不倦地为穷人辩护We'll always justify our actions with noble-sounding theories.我们总会用听起来非常高尚的理论为我们的行动辩护He hired a high-profile defense attorney to represent him.他雇了一名知名的辩护律师为他辩护He hired a top QC to defend him.他雇了一名顶级的王室法律顾问为他辩护Her lawyer made an impassioned argument in her defense.她的律师为她进行了一场慷慨激昂的辩护He vigorously defended his point of view.他极力为自己的观点辩护She claimed that Mr Huntley had asked her to provide him with an alibi.她声称亨特利先生要她为其作不在犯罪现场的辩护Students should be ready to explain and defend their views.学生应该勇于为自己的观点进行解释和辩护Her open letter was really an apology for her way of life.她的公开信实际上是对她生活方式的辩护Sir Peter would also like to see the current adversarial system of advocacy examined by the royal commission.彼得爵士也乐于看到现有的对抗式辩护制度受到王室委员会审查。No one spoke up in defense of Principal Blackman during the entire meeting.整个会议期间没有人为布莱克曼校长辩护一句。She appeared before the committee to plead the case for privatization.她出现在委员会面前为私有化辩护Charges based on such material are vulnerable to a prima facie defence of duress.根据这类材料提出的指控,很容易被表面受到胁迫的辩护驳斥。They hired a famous lawyer to defend their son.他们请了一位著名律师为儿子辩护




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