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词汇 南非
例句 Mbeki ran unopposed for the post of deputy president.姆贝基在无人竞争的情况下参选(南非)副总统。In the recent elections, the National Party was given a lot of support from the coloured population.在最近的选举中,(南非)国民党得到了混血人种的大力支持。It took many years of struggle to establish majority rule in South Africa.通过多年的斗争,南非才确立了多数统治。In South Africa, cricket has been the one sport that has brought people together.南非,板球是唯一把人们紧紧联系在一起的运动。She was exiled from South Africa.她被放逐出南非There's been a flare-up of violence in South Africa.南非暴力冲突突然加剧。During his visit to South Africa, the president met Archbishop Tutu.总统在访问南非期间会见了图图大主教。In the reserves of Zimbabwe and South Africa, annual culls are already routine.在津巴布韦和南非的保护区,每年的选择性捕杀已成惯例。The recent rioting in South Africa has underlined the government's lack of control.南非近来的暴动突显了政府对局势控制不力。Singapore and South Africa have established diplomatic relations.新加坡和南非已经建立了外交关系。I believe that things are heading in the right direction in South Africa.我认为南非正朝着正确的方向发展。The release of Mr Nelson Mandela marked the point of no return in South Africa's movement away from apartheid.纳尔逊·曼德拉先生的释放标志着南非种族隔离政策一去不复返。Our correspondent in South Africa sent this report.我们的驻南非记者发来这份报道。The New Zealanders are looking forward to future contests with South Africa.新西兰人盼望着将来同南非进行更多比赛。Did you see that programme on South Africa last night?昨晚你看了那个关于南非的节目吗?In South Africa, the early momentum had been sacrificed to the Boers because the British took the field unprepared.南非,英军毫无准备仓促上阵,出师不利,锋芒遭到布尔人重挫。The people of Transkei began to realize that their future was inseparably bound up with that of South Africa.特兰斯凯人开始明白,他们的命运和南非休戚相关。South Africa's press stands accused of failing to reflect the new nation.南非新闻界未控没能反映这个新国家的情况。South Africa was a pigmentocracy.南非曾是白人统治的国家。The process of political change in South Africa has reached the stage where it is irreversible.南非的政治变革已达到不可逆转的地步。Solidarity among black people in South Africa is essential if progress is to be made.若要取得进步,南非的黑人必须团结一致。The news from South Africa is not good, I'm afraid.我担心从南非传来的并不是好消息。Until now, the BBC has only been available in South Africa on short wave.直到目前为止,南非只能以短波形式收听英国广播公司的节目。The programme was filmed entirely in South Africa.这个节目完全是在南非拍摄的。The tour to South Africa drew angry political reactions.这次南非之行招致了政界人士的愤怒。The South African years were his most creative period.南非的那些年是他创作力最旺盛的一段时期。Members of extreme right wing parties are completely opposed to the integration of blacks into white South African society.极端右翼党派的成员完全反对让黑人融入南非的白人社会。The South African economy emerged from decades of international isolation.南非的经济摆脱了与国际社会隔离了几十年的状况。South Africans were praying last night that he has read the situation correctly.昨晚南非人在祈祷他对形势的解读是正确的。At that time, the beaches in South Africa were segregated.那个时候,南非的海滩实行了隔离制度。South Africa was going through a period of irreversible change.南非正在经历一场不可逆转的变革。He described the move as a victory for the people of South Africa as a whole.他把这一举动描述为整个南非人民的胜利。Mandela fought to abolish white-only rule in South Africa.曼德拉为废除南非的白人专政而斗争。Brazil normalised its diplomatic relations with South Africa in recognition of the steps taken to end apartheid.巴西恢复了与南非的外交关系,以示对其采取措施结束种族隔离的正式认可。By now Dr Barnard's fame had spread far beyond South Africa.现在巴纳德医生的名声已传到了南非以外的地区。Developments in South Africa receive extensive coverage in The Sunday Telegraph.《星期日电讯报》全面报道了南非的发展。Athletics South Africa was formed by an amalgamation of two organisations.南非体育协会由两个组织合并而成。Since colonial times, black people in South Africa have been oppressed by the white minority.自殖民时代以来,南非的黑人就受着少数白人的压迫。Few countries have as rich a diversity of habitat as South Africa.几乎没有哪个国家像南非那样拥有如此丰富多样的聚居环境。This wine highlights the quality and value for money of South African wines.这种酒突出显示了南非产葡萄酒优异的性价比。




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