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词汇 daughter
例句 We've added another extension in our daughter's bedroom.我们在女儿的卧室里又装了一部分机。He has given up his freewheeling lifestyle to settle down with his baby daughter.他放弃了自己无拘无束的生活方式,和小女儿安顿下来。George went to his daughter and hugged her tightly.乔治走到女儿身边,紧紧地拥抱她。He went almost insane when he heard that his daughter had died.听说女儿死去的噩耗时他几乎精神失常。A disappointed Mrs Lee said that her daughter had done her best, but it wasn't good enough.沮丧的李太太说她女儿尽了最大的努力,但结果仍然不尽人意。She rushed home to nurse her daughter back to health.她赶回家去,照顾女儿恢复健康。The lady pleaded with her daughter to come back home.这位女士恳求她的女儿回家。Being the daughter of a famous film star can be more of a hindrance than a help in getting your career off the ground.著名影星女儿的身份可能不但不能帮你,反而会阻碍你自己事业的腾飞。He didn't live to see his daughter grow up, and that's a pity.他没有活到看到女儿长大,真是件憾事。Our daughter is having a sleepover for her friends tomorrow.我们女儿明晚要为来家过夜的朋友们开派对。When Pablo was three, his mother gave birth to a daughter.巴勃罗三岁时,他母亲又生了一个女儿。His daughter should have stood up and put a stop to all these rumours.他的女儿早该站出来平息所有这些谣言。The film could have done without the casting of the director's daughter in a central role.其实,当初完全可以不选导演的女儿出演这部电影的关键角色。I can't really be objective when I'm judging my daughter's work.评价自己女儿的作品时,我的确无法做到客观。I can't coach my daughter's basketball team. I have too many commitments already. 我无法执教我女儿的篮球队。我已经承接了太多的事情。I have a live-in nanny for my youngest daughter.我为小女儿请了个住家保姆。The old lady's complacency contrasted with the dissatisfied air of her daughter.老妇人的满足和她女儿的不满神态形成对照。Suppose your daughter is chronically late for school.假设是你的女儿经常上学迟到。Her daughter married into the aristocracy.她的女儿嫁入了贵族阶层。You could see the pride in their faces when they talked about their daughter's acting career.当他们谈论他们女儿的演艺生涯时,你可以看得出他们脸上的骄傲。The manager's youngest daughter made her début at the dinner party.在那次宴会上经理的幼女第一次在社交界露面。The politician was knocked off his pedestal by his daughter's statements.这位政客由于女儿的一席谈话而不再受人敬重。The watch is a birthday present from his daughter.这块手表是他女儿送的生日礼物。There once was/lived a poor widow who had a beautiful daughter.从前有一个穷寡妇,她有个漂亮的女儿。I came in to find that my daughter had dressed herself up in my clothes.我进屋后发现女儿穿了我的衣服闹着玩。As I told the story, my daughter was all ears.我讲故事时,女儿全神贯注地听着。He wants to find a husband from a well-to-do background for his daughter.他想为女儿找一个富家子弟做丈夫。Their daughter was tragically killed in a road accident.他们的女儿在一次车祸中惨死。Veronique looks very young for her age, and people often think that her daughter is her sister.韦罗妮克看上去比实际年纪年轻得多,人们常以为她女儿是她妹妹。One of my cousins is coming over from France with his wife and daughter.我的一个表亲和他的妻子女儿要从法国过来。My daughter has got a weekend job.我女儿找到了一份周末的工作。When she married Giles, she acquired a ready-made family - two teenage sons and a daughter.她嫁给了贾尔斯,也就接过来一个现成的家庭——两个十几岁的儿子和一个女儿。Mrs Roberts was a dressmaker, and she taught her daughter to sew.罗伯茨夫人是名女服裁缝,她教她女儿缝纫。She basked in the reflected glory of her daughter's success.她享受着女儿的成功所带给她的荣耀。She spoke as a true daughter of the city.她作为这个城市的真正女儿讲了话。He saved his daughter from the fire at the cost of his own life.他舍身把女儿从火中救出。My daughter loved skiing.我女儿酷爱滑雪。He sacrificed a promising career to look after his handicapped daughter.他为了照顾有残疾的女儿牺牲了一份有前途的职业。My daughter was rescued safely, and I am very grateful to the firemen.我女儿安全获救,我对消防队员非常感激。Lori is the daughter of my father's sister.洛丽是我姑姑的女儿。




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