例句 |
The bird soared skyward.鸟儿向天空展翅飞去。At this point, the base of the golf club should point straight up into the air.此时,高尔夫球杆的底部应该笔直地指向天空。Sheets of flame shot into the air.团团火焰冲向天空。He pointed a finger skywards.他用一个手指指向天空。He fired into the air, hoping that the noise would frighten them off.他向天空开枪,希望枪声会把他们吓走。The fire sent clouds of smoke up into the sky.大火冒出滚滚浓烟冲向天空。She lifted her hands to the sky.她双手举向天空。The water shot into the sky in an enormous geyser.水喷向天空,形成巨大的水柱。He raised his fists heavenward.他把双拳举向天空。Soldiers fired blanks into the sky.士兵向天空放空弹。We all looked towards the sky where the vultures were circling.我们都向天空看去,上面有些鹫在盘旋。 |