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词汇 辞职
例句 Her boss's resignation spelled the end to her troubles. 她老板辞职意味着她的麻烦到头了。According to the last news I heard, he will resign tomorrow.据我听到的最新消息,他明天将辞职The office has been thrown into total confusion by her resignation.她的辞职使办事处陷入一片混乱。The announcement of her resignation came just two days before polling was to begin.就在投票前两天宣布她辞职了。His boss caused him to resign. 老板让他辞职It's a good job. I don't think he'd pack it in.那是份好工作。我认为他不会辞职He hinted strongly that he would be resigning soon.他强烈地示意不久将辞职The team has struggled since the departure of its head coach.自从主教练辞职以后,这个球队一直在苦苦挣扎。We are all in agreement that Mr Ross should resign.我们一致认为罗斯先生应该辞职Not long after the chairman resigned, shares in the company tanked.董事长辞职后不久,该公司的股票就暴跌了。A hospital administrator has resigned over claims he lied to get the job.一位医院的管理人员辞职了,因为有人指责他为了得到这份工作而撒了谎。When he didn't get the promotion, he quit his job in a huff. 他没得到晋升,便生气地辞职了。Joanna's resignation really threw me for a loop.乔安娜的辞职真叫我大吃一惊。The ostensible reason for his resignation was ill health.辞职的表面理由是身体不好。The most likely scenario is that Brooks will resign.最有可能发生的事是布鲁克斯将会辞职He later realized that he was too hasty in his decision to quit.他后来意识到自己辞职的决定过于仓促。I resigned from my job for the sake of my sanity.为了精神健康,我辞职了。Mr Patterson was asked point blank if he would resign.帕特森先生被直接问到他是否会辞职The president had to resign in disgrace.总统不得不灰溜溜地辞职了。McDonald refused to elaborate on his reasons for resigning.麦克唐纳拒绝细说他辞职的原因。A scandal led to his resignation from office.一桩丑闻导致了他的辞职She packed up her job, and went off to Australia.辞职去了澳大利亚。I'm going to quit next week.我将在下周辞职The Minister was her usual evasive self, skilfully dodging reporters' questions about her possible resignation.部长还是保持她顾左右而言他的一贯风格,当记者问及她是否可能辞职时,她驾轻就熟地避而不答。I hated my job, so I left.我讨厌我的工作,于是就辞职了。All this talk of the boss resigning is nonsense!所有关于头儿辞职的话都是一派胡言!There seems to be a conspiracy of silence as far as his resignation is concerned.关于他的辞职,大家像是约好了一样避而不谈。There have been loud cries for his resignation from various groups.各方团体一直强烈要求他辞职Fortunately, our employee problem resolved itself when two workers moved house and resigned voluntarily.幸好,有两名工人搬家并自动辞职,使我们的员工问题得以自然化解。What caused him to quit his job?是什么原因使他辞职的? There are no historical precedents for a President resigning in mid-term.总统于任职中期辞职在历史上没有先例。She's resigned? Oh, what a shame.她已经辞职了?哦,真可惜!You may be dissatisfied, but is that sufficient reason to resign?也许你感到不满意,但要辞职的话这个理由够充足吗?Davis expressed bitter disappointment with Carlson's resignation.戴维斯表示对卡尔森的辞职大失所望。The statement excited new speculation that a senior official may be about to resign.这项声明又引发了新一轮的猜测,大家猜想一位高级部长或许马上就要辞职He has so far resisted pressure to resign.他到目前为止顶住了辞职的压力。Under the pressure of the urgent circumstances, he had to resign.在严峻形势的逼迫下,他只好辞职In the midst of the scandal, news broke of her resignation.正当丑闻闹得沸沸扬扬之时,爆出了她辞职的新闻。Rumor has it that the defence minister will soon resign.据传闻,国防部长不久就要辞职Resignation was her only option.辞职是她唯一的选择。




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