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词汇 spy
例句 I never agreed to spy against the United States.我从来没有答应去刺探美国的情报。We drove around the area where our new house is to spy out the land.我们驾车在新房子的周边地区转了一圈,了解一下环境。An informer alleged that Samuel was a spy.一名告密者声称塞缪尔是个间谍。She was cast as a college professor who becomes a spy.她扮演一名后来成为间谍的大学教授。He was accused of having been recruiting a spy network.他被控一直在招募间谍以组织间谍网。The atmosphere was reminiscent of spy movies.那气氛使人联想起间谍电影。She was a spy who turned traitor and gave secret information to the enemy.她是个叛变的间谍,把机密信息提供给了敌人。The spy was lifted the minute he stepped across the borderline.间谍一跨过国境线就立刻被捕。He was the first to spy the triangle fin of a shark coming towards us.他第一个发现一条鲨鱼的三角形鳍向我们游来。He had been decoyed across the frontier and arrested as a spy.他被诱骗越境,然后被当作间谍逮捕。The spy scandal involved two cabinet ministers and several civil servants.间谍丑闻牵涉到两位内阁成员和几名公务员。Corvino was the sixth member of the spy ring to be arrested for stealing high-tech secrets from several Silicon Valley firms.一个间谍网从硅谷的数家公司窃取高科技秘密情报,科尔维诺是第六号要逮捕的成员。He was a spy planted in the office by a rival company.他是公司的竞争对手安插在办公室的间谍。The spy mingled with the crowd.间谍混在人群中。This latest spy affair has created a lot of tension.最近这次间谍事件使局势变得十分紧张。Edwards confessed to being a spy for the KGB.爱德华兹承认为克格勃当间谍。His job at the embassy was just a screen for his life as a spy.他在大使馆的工作不过是间谍生涯的一种掩护。Managers feel it is their duty to spy on the workforce.经理们认为暗中监视员工是他们的职责。They left at daylight in order to spy their way through the minefields.他们在黎明时分出发,目的是侦察出一条通过布雷区的路。Kites have been used to spy on enemies and divine the weather.风筝被用来侦察敌情和探测天气。They picked up the spy and gave him a rough time.他们抓住了密探,并让他吃了点苦头。He refused to be a spy on my conduct.他拒绝充当监视我行动的暗探。The tourists were booted out of the country on spy charges.这些旅游者被以间谍罪驱逐出境。The Pentagon is searching for overhead imagery from satellites or spy planes.五角大楼正在搜寻卫星或间谍飞机拍摄的影像。The movie is about a spy who masquerades as a salesman.这部电影讲述了一个假冒成销售员的间谍的故事。He denied acting as an enemy spy.他否认自己是敌方间谍。Even small children were used as instruments of the regime, encouraged to spy on and report their parents.甚至小孩子也成了这个政权的工具,被鼓励监视和举报自己的父母。She had always wanted to write a spy thriller.她一直想写一部谍战惊险作品。He was unmasked as a spy.他的间谍身份被揭露出来。To think there was a spy in our midst!想想吧,我们当中居然有一个间谍! He turned over the films to the spy apparatus.他将胶卷交给间谍组织。A spy? Go on with you, then. 间谍?我才不相信你呢。I spy a mistake.我注意到一个错误。I generally like to spy out restaurants before I go to eat in them.我一般喜欢在去某家餐馆吃饭之前,先了解一下那里的情况。They had ascertained that he was not a spy.他们已经确定他不是间谍。He feared the ignominy of being exposed as a spy.他害怕间谍身份被揭穿所带来的耻辱。In the film, he plays a spy whose mission is to confirm the verity of a secret military document.在电影中,他扮演一名间谍,肩负的任务是弄清一份秘密军事文件的真实性。He remained unsuspected as the head of the spy ring.他仍然没有被怀疑为间谍集团的头子。She had to flee the country after being denounced as a spy to government authorities.有人向政府部门告发她是间谍,于是她不得不逃离那个国家。She liked the adventures of a spy.她喜欢间谍的冒险。




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