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词汇 辅导
例句 They may pull the plug on the tutoring program.他们可能不再资助这门辅导课程。As children enter secondary school, parents often do not have the necessary knowledge to help with homework.孩子进入中学以后,家长往往没有足够的知识辅导他们做家庭作业。Many of the victims of the tragedy still need counselling.那场悲剧的许多受害者仍需要心理辅导The professor was offering a tutorial in her office a week before the exam.考试前一周,这位教授在她办公室给学生进行辅导We offer tutorial instruction for test preparation.我们提供备考辅导Many churches provide excellent pastoral counselling.很多教堂提供出色的牧灵辅导Rape victims receive special counselling and are treated very sensitively.强奸案的受害者接受特殊心理辅导,并需要小心处理。The methods of study include lectures, tutorials, case studies and practical sessions.学习方法包括讲座、导师辅导、个案研究和实习。The great majority were tutored by parents.绝大多数孩子由家长辅导She is receiving counseling to cope with the death of her husband.她在接受心理辅导以面对丈夫的死亡。He can pass the test with a little coaching.他只要稍加辅导就能通过测试。She was trying to keep her creditors at bay by robbing Peter to pay Paul. 把本来用作课后辅导的钱拿来买午饭简直是拆东墙补西墙。She is very unhappy and needs some serious/professional help. 她现在很郁闷,需要正式/专业的心理辅导A few of my teachers offer extra help after class.有些老师可以对我进行课后辅导The after-school club offers homework supervision and outdoor activities.课外俱乐部提供作业辅导并组织户外活动。My father coached me in maths.我父亲给我辅导数学。The organisation has employees with expertise in both medical and counselling services.该机构的雇员具有医学和辅导两个方面的专业知识。His job is to counsel students on how to choose a career.他的工作是辅导学生就业。They were taught by lecture rather than tutorial.他们通过授课而非辅导的方式接受教育。His parents got him a tutor to help with his maths.他的父母请了一位私人教师来辅导他的数学。He was suspended from school and referred for counselling.他被暂时停学去接受心理辅导She spent her evenings tutoring her son in math. 她晚上辅导儿子数学。The college will provide counselling for students who have problems with alcohol or drugs.学校将为有酗酒或吸毒问题的学生提供辅导The company has spent several years tailoring the mentoring process to suit its own requirements.该公司几年来一直在改进辅导制流程,以使其适应公司自身需求。We even considered out-of-school tutoring in English.我们甚至考虑过课外英语辅导Victims of violent crimes often need counseling.暴力罪行的受害者往往需要接受心理辅导Tutoring younger students can add variety to older students’ days, and make them feel important.辅导低年级的学生可以给高年级学生的生活增加点趣味,让他们感觉到自己的重要性。She's been undergoing counseling for depression.她因为患抑郁症在接受心理辅导An acting coach was brought in for the less experienced actors.一名演艺指导被请来辅导经验不够丰富的演员。Before the company transferred her to Mexico, they offered her private tuition in Spanish.公司派她去墨西哥之前,为她安排了西班牙语的专人辅导This releases the teacher to work with individuals who are having extreme difficulty.这使得教师可以专门辅导学习特别吃力的学生。John tutored the child in English.约翰辅导那孩子学英语。Some teachers stay after school to tutor struggling students.有些教师在放学后辅导学习有困难的学生。The hospice is appealing for more people to work as bereavement counsellors.这家安养院正呼吁更多的人来给死者家属提供辅导服务。She was offered counselling after the attack.她遭到袭击后接受了心理辅导The survivors were offered counselling.给幸存者提供了心理辅导There's a lot of pastoral work and committee meetings.有很多对学生的生活辅导和委员会会议。




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