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词汇 较长
例句 She's about my age, with longish hair.她年龄与我相仿,头发较长It was a long, slow drive in the taxi.这次火车之旅历时很久,中途停站时间较长You are advised to leave a wide interval before you have your next child.建议您在两次妊娠之间留出较长的一段间隔期。The company expects a growth in profitability over a longer period.这家公司期望在较长的时期内获得利润增长。You need a good course of massage to get the aches and pains rubbed away.你需要一个较长的按摩疗程来解除疼痛。It was the older women and young mothers who sorted all the troublemakers out.是那些年纪较长的女士和年轻的母亲们教训了所有那些捣蛋鬼。There's absolutely nothing wrong in modelling yourself on an older woman.以年纪较长的女性作为自己仿效的对象绝没有什么不对。The spade and fork have longer shafts, providing better leverage.锹和耙的手柄较长,可以更好地发挥杠杆优势。The study purportedly found that men married to smart women live longer.这些研究声称娶了聪明女人的男人寿命较长The job pays well. The biggest trade-off is that you have to work long hours.这份工作报酬不错。最大的代价是较长的工作时间。The buses run less frequently on Sundays.周日公交车发车间隔时间较长Women with longer nails should leave more polish on the brush.女人如果指甲较长,就要在刷子上多涂些指甲油。A longer pile carpet will flatten over time.较长的绒毛地毯过一段时间会变得平伏。Each new product would have a relatively long life cycle.每一种新产品都会有一个相对较长的生命周期。He's been writing away all morning and likes to have a long period free of other considerations.整个上午他一直在写作,并希望有一段较长的不必考虑其他事情的时间。Studies show that people who receive medication when their pain first starts need less of it than people who wait longer.研究表明,疼痛初发就接受药物治疗者,所需药物少于时间拖得较长的人。I'm sorry for the long lapse of time between updates.我对更新间隔较长表示抱歉。




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