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例句 Several antique dealers bid up the best lots to shut out less experienced bidders.几个古董商哄抬头等拍品的价格,要把经验较少的竞买者排挤出去。Before silos were invented, cows gave less milk during winter because they had no green grass to eat.在青贮窖发明之前,冬季奶牛产奶较少,因为没有青饲料可以吃。They're focusing more on quality and less on quantity.他们更多地注重质量,较少关注数量。There's less traffic at this time of day.白天这个时段车辆较少Many parents want to send their children to private school because class sizes are smaller.许多父母都想送孩子上私立学校,因为私立学校班级人数较少The store wanted to offer more items but stock less inventory.商店想要摆售更多商品,同时保持较少的库存。Less profitable business operations will have difficulty in finding financial support.盈利较少的企业将很难得到财政资助。There was relatively little violence.暴力事件相对较少With interest rates at current low levels, cash on deposit will show modest returns.以目前如此低的利率水平,现金存款只有较少的利息收益。In Orthodox Europe, mass religion seems to have decayed less.在正教会流行的欧洲地区,集体宗教信仰的影响力似乎衰退得较少Schools in the suburbs have fewer discipline problems and better student attitudes.郊区的学校纪律问题较少,学生的学习态度也较好。The amount of carbon dioxide released by human activities such as burning coal and oil is small in comparison.烧煤、燃油等人类活动所释放的二氧化碳量相对较少The number of women convicted of serious offences is still relatively small.被判犯有重罪的女性人数仍然相对较少The paradox is that fishermen would catch more fish if they fished less.这则悖论是如果渔夫较少打鱼反而会打到更多的鱼。So far there have been more words than action on the matter of childcare provision.恐怕到目前为止,提供儿童保育的问题更多地停留在讨论层面上,而较少付诸实施。They made the big mistake of thinking they could seize its border with a relatively small force.他们大错特错,居然认为以较少的兵力就能够夺取其边境地区。Aggressive bosses are less likely to criticize workers who stand up to them.攻击性强的老板较少批评那些敢于反对他们的员工。People say that older people need less sleep.人们说年纪大的人需要的睡眠较少Wakeful babies will often continue to need little sleep as they grow older.觉少的婴儿长大后常常仍然只需要较少的睡眠。When the new policy comes into play, fewer people will have control.新政策生效的时候,较少有人能把控。Family problems are found in every class, he said, but were more common among the less privileged.他说,每一个阶层都有家庭问题,但是这些问题在较少享有特权的阶层更为普遍。They gave the less experienced players a sporting chance by handicapping the experts.他们给老手们设置一些不利条件,使经验较少的运动员可得到胜负可能性各占一半的机会。Modern life trends towards less formal customs.现代生活倾向于较少拘泥于客套习俗。They made less than comparable city workers but the cost of living was much less so that balanced out.与有可比性的城市工人相比,他们挣得较少,但是生活成本要低得多,所以就相互抵消了。The study looks at a relatively unexplored area of human relationships.这项研究考察人类关系中较少探讨的领域。If you can economize your time, you will get more done in less time.如果你能充分利用时间,你就能用较少的时间做更多的事。If you can travel off-peak it will be cheaper and the trains will be less crowded.你如果在淡季旅游,不但花费较少,而且火车也不那么拥挤。Piaget himself wrote relatively little about the applicability of his theories to education.皮亚热本人对其理论在教育方面的适用性论述相对较少The employees with less experience got the chop. 工作经验较少的职工被炒了鱿鱼。There were relatively few people at the meeting last night.昨晚出席会议的人相对较少We are entering a period of less danger insofar as the threat of nuclear war between the superpowers is less.超级大国之间发生核战争的威胁变小了,从这一点上来说,我们正进入一个危险较少的时期。This project will require less money.这项工程所需的投资较少Students have less money in relative terms, but spend more on books.相对来说,学生手里的钱较少,但买书花的钱却较多。Young people think less about self-fulfillment and more about careers and jobs.年轻人较少想到充分发挥自己的潜在能力,而是更多地考虑前途和职业。It affects the audience at a deeper, less conscious level.它对观众产生了更为深刻的、较少意识层次上的影响。The new lights consume less electricity.这些新电灯耗电量较少We are limited to fewer options by our lack of money.由于缺乏资金,我们的选择较少Increasing tax on petrol would encourage people to drive smaller cars with fewer noxious emissions.提高汽油税会促使人们驾驶有毒废气排放量较少的小型汽车。Many plants, if they are disbudded, will produce larger, though fewer, flowers.许多植物如经除芽会开出较少但较大的花朵。Children who have a positive self-image are less likely to present behaviour and discipline problems.自我感觉良好的孩子较少出现行为和纪律上的问题。




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