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词汇 较小
例句 Many smaller local hospitals are being run down.很多较小的地方医院都在逐渐缩减规模。Smaller trucks unload at the roadside.较小的卡车在路边卸货。The voting system is weighted against the smaller parties.这种选举制度对较小的党派不利。Psychologists observed that the mice became more aggressive when they were put in smaller cages.心理学家观察到,老鼠关在较小的笼子里时变得更具攻击性。If food is scarce, the mother will feed the smaller, weaker chicks.如果食物不多,鸡妈妈就喂较小较弱的小鸡。She moved to a smaller town.她搬到了一个较小的镇子。The smaller nations feel politically impotent on the world stage.较小的国家觉得在世界政治舞台上无能为力。The smaller animals can easily leap from tree to tree.身体较小的动物可以在树丛间轻巧地跳来跳去。While the numbers of such developments are relatively small, the potential market is large.尽管这种增长的数量相对较小,但是潜在的市场是巨大的。I'd rather work in a smaller company.我宁愿在较小的公司工作。The probability is that smaller businesses will not have to pay the tax.较小的企业可能毋需缴这种税。Smaller plcs are worried about the effect of the new legislation.较小的公共有限公司都在为新法律所带来的影响感到忧心忡忡。Our son was made the milk monitor for the younger children.我们儿子被安排监督年纪较小的孩子喝牛奶。The sums needed are relatively small.需要的金额相对较小The two rooms were relatively small and discreetly lit.这两个房间相对来说较小,且灯光柔和。Some of the smaller birds have a stronghold in the New Forest.这些较小的鸟中有一些在新福里斯特还能看得到。Smith was shunted off to one of the company's smaller offices.史密斯被调到公司属下一个较小的办事处。Jenny was younger than her sister but seemed much more sure of herself.珍妮是两姐妹中较小的一个,但是却自信得多。The main roof beams are given extra support by the smaller transverse beams.较小的横梁给屋顶的主梁额外的支撑力。The damage here was only minor.这里的损失较小At school, the younger children go home an hour before the rest.在学校里,年纪较小的孩子比其他孩子早一小时回家。Tactical nuclear weapons have shorter ranges.战术核武器的威力范围较小Squadrons of pirates hung around the smaller islands.成群结队的海盗船还在较小的岛屿附近游荡。A lot of smaller firms did not survive the recession.很多较小的企业没从经济衰退中挺过来。The team leader will have a less directive role.这名队长将起较小的指导作用。Many smaller radio stations broadcast on archaic equipment.许多较小的电台使用过时的设备播音。Vegetarians are less likely to suffer from obesity.素食者患肥胖症的可能性较小Israel has a relatively small standing army and its strength is based on its reserves.以色列的常备军规模相对较小,其军事实力主要在于它的预备役部队。Car manufacturers worldwide are working to develop environmentally cleaner vehicles.全球的汽车制造商正在努力研制对环境污染较小的汽车。They squashed into an undersized reception room.他们挤到了一个较小的接待室里。The airlines have invested enormous sums in new, quieter aircraft.航空公司投入了大笔资金购买噪音较小的新型飞机。Some of the boys were being a bit rough with the younger kids.有些男孩子对较小的孩子有点粗暴。In smaller nursing homes patients are subjected to little purposeful activity.在一些较小的私人疗养院里,病人做的有益身心的活动要少一些。The responsibility lies with Harris and, to a lesser extent, Clarke.责任在哈里斯和克拉克,后者的责任较小The smaller companies want a bigger share of the pie.那些较小的公司想分到更大的一杯羹。The overall efficiency of the machine is higher because there is less friction.该机器的总体效率较高,因为摩擦较小A smaller tax cut would throttle economic expansion.如果减税幅度较小,将会抑制经济发展。It's best to pour your yoghurt into small containers before it sets.最好在酸奶凝固之前倒在较小的容器里。The Trust needs a new law to divide it up into smaller bodies.信托公司需要新法律将其分成较小的分支。The new regulations could spell disaster for smaller businesses.新规章可能会给较小的企业带来灾难性的后果。




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