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例句 The consequences can be double-edged.结果可能是把双刃剑。If relations between Hanoi and Washington begin to normalize, anything is possible.如果河内和华盛顿的关系开始恢复正常,任何事情都有可能The government may move in on the steel industry.政府可能对钢铁工业进行控制。 But it could have been a whole lot worse.但是这本可能会更糟糕。No amount of flattery is likely to change her mind.再多的奉承都不可能让她回心转意。A new wave of job losses is expected this year.预计今年可能会出现新一波的失业高潮。The new information may give pause to City Council members.这个新消息可能会让市议会的官员们三思而后行。He reasoned that both statements couldn't be true.他推断,两种说法都不可能正确。Discussions at the UN could include a time frame for action.联合国进行的讨论可能包括采取行动的时间安排。I've just had a thought - it might be quicker to go by bus.我刚刚想到一个主意:乘公共汽车去可能更快些。He may have shortcomings and faults, but he is a good fellow for all that.可能有缺点和过失,尽管这样,他仍不失为一个好人。Any policy that creates unemployment is likely to meet with strong resistance.任何引起失业的政策都可能遭到坚决抵制。He made several conjectures about where his son might be.他就他儿子可能在何处作了好些猜测。Scientists at an international conference have been discussing global warming and its possible effects.科学家在一个国际会议上讨论全球气候变暖及其可能造成的影响。Shakespeare's best-known tragic hero is probably Hamlet.莎士比亚最出名的悲剧人物可能就是哈姆雷特。Sharp may have been the victim of a gangland revenge killing.夏普可能已经成了黑社会报复性杀人的受害者。Slavery seemed likely to disrupt the Union then.当时,奴隶制似乎有可能分裂美国。Her promotion may have an indirect effect on the morale of other employees.她的提升可能会间接影响到其他雇员的士气。He may try to blast his way out of trouble, playing attacking shots to balls he would not normally contemplate hitting.可能是想努力摆脱困境,平时不会考虑击打的球也打起了进攻。I made the heretical suggestion that it might be cheaper to design new machines.我提出了当时被认为是旁门左道的建议,认为设计新机器可能更省钱。Prepare answers to possible interview questions.为面试中可能遇到的问题准备答案。He said he would be late, yet he arrived on time.他说他可能会迟到,但是他却准时到达了。Good looks can be an asset to an actor.外貌好对演员来说可能是一种优势。He couldn't have been more than fourteen years old.他不可能超过十四岁。We believe Caroline Connely is innocent, but her silence could count against her in a court.我们相信卡罗琳·康奈利是无罪的,但她的沉默可能在法庭上对她不利。We were facing the loss of everything we held dear.我们面临危机,可能失去我们所珍视的一切。These disturbed kids can be cunning.这些心理不正常的孩子可能会很狡猾。The drop in trading suggests the Asian economies may be headed for recession.贸易下滑显示亚洲的经济可能正在走向衰退。Although Mulumbu plays most of the game in the hole, he pushes into the box to support the strikers whenever possible.虽然穆伦布大部分时间的位置在防守队员之前以及其他前卫和前锋之后,但是只要有可能,他都会冲入对方禁区支援进攻。What they find could provide clues to what might happen worldwide if ozone depletion continues.他们的发现可以揭示如果臭氧持续减少,世界范围内可能会出现什么情况。He put forward a theory about how the accident may have occurred.针对那起事故可能的起因,他提出了一套说法。It was possible that Maggie had been delayed, but he doubted it.玛吉有可能被什么事耽误了,但他不相信。The iron-fist policy towards the fundamentalists is unlikely to be interrupted.对原教旨主义者采取的铁拳政策不可能中止。Nobody is indispensable. Well, maybe there is one exception.没有人是不可或缺的。嗯,可能有一个人例外。The nose may be blocked from too much catarrh.鼻孔可能是因为黏液过多堵塞了。The play is liable to give offence to many people.这部戏可能会得罪很多人。You've won a lot of money, but don't push it or you could lose it all.你已经赢了很多钱了,别再贪了,否则你有可能会输光的。The sight of all those half-naked men may be a turn-on to some women, but I find it unappealing.那些半裸的男人对一些女人来说可能觉得很令人兴奋,可我觉得一点都没有吸引力。The election looks so close that it's anybody's call.选举的角逐如此激烈,任何人的猜测都有可能是对的。Refugees who reach the border may be turned back.到达边境的难民可能会被勒令折返。




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