例句 |
Guns thundered in the distance.远处传来轰隆的枪炮声。Trucks thundered past on the highway.卡车轰隆着从公路上驶过。The sky thundered and the rain poured down.天空中雷声轰隆,大雨倾盆而下。The crash really made my ears ring.这轰隆一声真震得我耳鸣不已。The truck went smash into a goods train.卡车轰隆一声撞上了货运列车。A large chunk of ice split off/away from the iceberg and crashed into the water.一大块冰从冰山上裂开,轰隆一声落入了水中。Jets thundered overhead.喷气式飞机在头上轰隆地飞行。There was a loud boom. The chemical works was on fire.轰隆一声巨响,化工厂着火了。Without warning, the tree crashed through the roof.在毫无前兆的情况下,那棵树轰隆一下子压塌了屋顶。 |