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They'll goose the show with rotating celebs.他们将轮番邀请名人出场,来使节目更加出彩。They gave each other piggyback rides.他们轮番背着对方走。The band alternated romantic love songs with bouncy dance numbers.乐队轮番献上浪漫情歌和热辣舞曲。The enemy's guns were silenced by repeated bombings.敌人的炮火被轮番轰炸打哑了。Television viewers are being carpet-bombed with political advertisements as election day approaches.随着大选日的临近,电视观众开始被各种政治广告轮番轰炸。The two brothers bid against each other for the same chair. 两兄弟轮番出价竞买同一把椅子。The band alternated romantic love songs with bouncy dance numbers.乐队轮番献上浪漫情歌和劲歌热舞。 |