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词汇 轮椅
例句 There was enough room for a wheelchair to get in but not to turn round.空间足够让轮椅进来,但没法掉头。He's been confined to a wheelchair since the accident.自发生事故之后,他就离不开轮椅了。A special entrance is being built for wheelchair users.正在修建一个轮椅使用者专用入口。She hated being wheeled round in a wheelchair.她讨厌坐在轮椅里被人推来推去。He steered the wheelchair through the aisles.他推着轮椅穿过通道。He was in a wheelchair for several months after the accident.遭遇那场事故后,他坐了几个月的轮椅There are places you can take physically handicapped children where staff don't blanch at the sight of a wheelchair.有些地方你能带残疾儿童去,那里的工作人员不会一看到轮椅就退缩。The classroom has been specially adapted to take wheelchairs.这个教室作了特别改造,以使轮椅能够进出。Without a wheelchair, she is a virtual prisoner in her own home.没有轮椅,她就是个被困在家里的囚犯。The person can transfer from wheelchair to seat with relative ease.那个人可以比较轻松地从轮椅上移到座位上。Constant wheelchair use will scuff almost any floor surface.任何地板上经常有轮椅走动几乎都会有所磨损。She uses a wheelchair sort of thing.她用的是有点像轮椅之类的东西。She has a wheelchair that was specially made for her.她有一辆专为她定做的轮椅Access for wheelchair users is now available.针对轮椅使用者的入口现在已经可以使用了。The Disney team put planners in wheelchairs, both literally and virtually, so that they could see the hospital from the patient's perspective.在现实和虚拟两种环境中,迪士尼团队都让规划者坐上轮椅,这样他们就能从病人的视角观察那座医院。The wheelchair tennis player is allowed two bounces of the ball.轮椅网球选手可以等球落地两次再击球。She had come to terms with the fact that her husband would always be in a wheelchair.她已经接受了丈夫将坐一辈子轮椅的现实。The hall is inaccessible to wheelchair users.轮椅使用者无法进入这座礼堂。The accident left him consigned to a wheelchair.那次事故使他不得不依赖轮椅生活。The facilities have been adapted to give access to wheelchair users.这些设施已经改造过以方便轮椅使用者进入。One of our students was unable to propel her wheelchair up the ramp.我们有位学生不能把她的轮椅推上坡道。He collapsed the wheelchair and put it on the boat.他将轮椅折叠起来放在船上。Tony manoeuvred / maneuvered his wheelchair out from behind his desk.托尼把轮椅从书桌后面转出来。The new ramp will facilitate the entry of wheelchairs.新坡道将方便轮椅进入。Even though Polly still needs it, the authorities have taken the wheelchair away from her.尽管波莉仍需要用那个轮椅,当局却把它拿走了。I pushed the wheelchair up the ramp and into the supermarket.我沿坡道把轮椅推进了超市。The wheelchair gives him the freedom to go out on his own.借助轮椅他可以随意独自外出。In town, she gets around by wheelchair.在城里,她坐着轮椅四处转。Grandfather Dingsdale had sustained a broken back while working in the mines. Consequently, he spent the rest of his life in a wheelchair.丁斯戴尔爷爷在矿井里工作时被压断了脊骨,结果,下半辈子都与轮椅为伴了。I think we'll have to make the door a bit wider so that wheelchairs can get through.我想我们得把门加宽一点,方便轮椅通过。The hospital agreed to lend us a wheelchair.医院同意借给我们一把轮椅Provision has been made for wheelchair users.已经为轮椅使用者作了安排。The village hall is now accessible to wheelchairs.现在乘轮椅者可无障碍进入村会议厅。She was sitting in her newly-acquired wheelchair.她正坐在新买的轮椅上。Dropped kerbs make wheelchair access easier.坡形路缘口方便轮椅通过。Pilgrim was seated in a Bath chair with a tartan rug across his knees.朝圣者坐在巴思轮椅上,膝上搭着一条花格毯子。The wheelchair is designed so that it is easy to manipulate.轮椅设计得很容易用手控制。




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