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The doctrine of karma is inseparably linked with reincarnation.业的教义与轮回转世说紧密相关。Many people believe in reincarnation.很多人相信转世轮回。Hindus and Buddhists believe in reincarnation.印度教徒和佛教徒相信轮回转世说。Sceptics will tell you that there is no such thing as reincarnation and that living a previous life is a figment of the subject's imagination.怀疑论者会对你说没有转世轮回这种事,前世生活只不过是当事人的幻觉罢了。They are locked into a self-perpetuating cycle of fear and retribution.他们陷入循环不息的恐惧和报应的轮回中。Do you believe in reincarnation?你相信轮回转世说吗?Is reincarnation fact or fable?转世轮回是确有其事还是无稽之谈? |