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词汇 车厢
例句 The diesels roared, the conductors jumped aboard, and off the train went.内燃机发出轰鸣,列车员跳上车厢,火车开走了。A métro car window becomes opaqued under tunnel conditions.地铁车厢的窗户在隧道中变得不透明。He settled his child in a corner of the compartment.他把孩子安顿在车厢的一个角落里。The end doors are not to be used when the train is in motion.火车运行时,车厢端门不得使用。The train was already travelling at speed when she tried to open the carriage door.她试图打开车厢门时,火车已经在快速行驶了。He purchased a ticket and went up on the top deck.他买了一张票,然后上到上层车厢Visitors can marvel at the enormous range of locomotives and original wooden carriages.参观者可能对形形色色的火车头以及最初的木制车厢感到惊奇。Every now and again a passenger would pass through the carriage on the way to the bathroom.偶尔会有乘客穿过车厢去洗手间。The car was uncoupled from the rest of the train and shunted into a siding.这节车厢被解脱了与列车其他车厢的挂钩并转到岔线。I fought my way into a carriage just before the doors closed.我刚挤进车厢,车门就关上了。First class accommodation is in the front two coaches.头等座位在火车的前两节车厢We loaded the equipment and put a cover over the truck bed.我们把设备装上了卡车,并用苫布把车厢盖好。The stewards' badges are made so they do not unstick from a car.乘务员的徽章经特别制作,在车厢上不会脱落。Much to his disgust, he found himself sharing a carriage with a noisy young family.令他十分厌恶的是,他发现自己与一个叽叽喳喳的年轻家庭在同一个车厢The train derailed and a number of passengers were pinned under the carriages.火车出了轨,一些旅客被困在车厢下。To sit in the first-class Pullman on the boat train required payment of a supplement.要坐上港口联运列车的头等普尔曼式车厢需要额外多付钱。With every jar of the carriage, the children shrieked with excitement.车厢每剧烈震动一下,孩子们就兴奋地尖叫。They ran through the train, shouting and misbehaving.他们穿过车厢奔跑,大叫大嚷,粗暴无礼。Half way down the coach was a vacant seat.车厢中部有一个空座。He sat in the corner of a second-class carriage.他坐在一节二等车厢的角落里。A second later the interior of the car reverberated with the report of a gun.一秒钟之后,车厢内部枪声震响。An engine is coupled to a railway train.火车头与车厢被挂在一起。Pass down the bus and make room for more passengers.车厢里面走,让更多的乘客上车。I had to cram myself into a packed tube carriage.我不得不挤进拥挤的地铁车厢The stewards' badges are made so they do not unstick from a car and therefore cannot be passed around.为乘务员制作了徽章,这样它们就不会从车厢上脱落下来,也不会被传来传去。Second class is at the rear of the train.二等车厢在火车尾部。I recently travelled second class from Pisa to Ventimiglia.我最近乘坐二等车厢从比萨到了文蒂米利亚。Firemen had to use a mobile crane to lift the carriages back onto the rails.消防队员不得不使用移动式起重机把车厢吊起来,重新放回铁轨上。The wedding party climbed into the carriages.婚礼队伍爬进了车厢All railroads have weight and height limitations, because of tunnels, bridges and so forth.由于隧道、桥梁等原因,所有铁道皆有载重及车厢高度限制。The train's carriages clanked and rattled as it crept into the station.列车徐徐驶进车站,车厢发出当啷响。The train was already in motion when he jumped in.当他跳进车厢时,火车已开动了。Please move to the rear of the bus!请往车厢后面走!They all squashed into the back of the car.他们全都挤进了车厢的尾部。On the way home we shared our first class compartment with a group of businessmen.回家的路上,我们和一群生意人一起坐在一等车厢The vehicle had brass and mahogany fittings, like a Pullman carriage.车内有黄铜红木装修,就像是豪华火车车厢一样。The wrecked coach lay aslant the railway track.毁坏的车厢斜躺在铁轨上。They stood back while the soldiers loaded the luggage into the car.士兵们把行李装进车厢时,他们站在较远的地方。




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