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词汇 身躯
例句 The girls were all gazing adoringly at his muscular, virile young body.女孩子们都崇拜地看着他那肌肉发达、充满阳刚之气的年轻身躯He became aware of Dalziel's bulk looming in the doorway.他意识到达尔齐尔庞大的身躯立在门口。Now he came surging into her mind, his face, his tallness, the way the girls at school looked at him.此时他逐渐浮现在她的脑海中,她记起他的脸庞、高大的身躯以及学校里女生们看他的样子。He lumped his huge bulk down opposite.他拖着庞大身躯在对面重重坐下。He has the chiseled body of an athlete.他有着运动员一样强健的身躯Leonard tilted his chair back on two legs and stretched his long body.伦纳德把椅子向后倾斜,仅以两条腿作支撑,然后舒展开他长长的身躯I followed his big hulk into the house.我跟在他魁梧的身躯后面进了屋子。A shiver shook her small frame.她娇小的身躯抖了一下。He heaved his unwieldy figure out of his chair.他费力地从椅子里挪出自己庞大的身躯The athlete has a powerful trunk.那个运动员身躯强壮有力。She swathed her enormous body in thin black fabrics.她用薄薄的黑色织物裹住了自己硕大的身躯His tall figure was relieved against the blue sky.他那高大的身躯在蓝天的背景前显得十分突出。The surfboard riders displayed their tanned physiques.冲浪运动员显露他们被晒成棕褐色的身躯The jacket hung loosely on his thin body.那件上衣穿在他那瘦小的身躯上显得有些松松垮垮。She managed to squeeze her gigantic frame through the door.她设法把自己硕大的身躯挤进了门。His big frame was gaunt and weak.他高大的身躯瘦削而虚弱。His massive body filled the doorway.他庞大的身躯把门口给堵住了。Even from distance I could tell from the spindle figure that the approaching man was David.尽管在远处我也能从这细长的身躯辨别出来人是大卫。He moved his menacing bulk closer to the table.他把自己骇人的庞大身躯向桌子挪近了些。She thought she'd never been so glad to see his bulky form.她想她从来没有因看到他那肥胖的身躯而如此高兴。She eased her large bulk out of the chair.她缓缓地将她那庞大的身躯从椅子上挪开。His legs were pitifully thin compared to the rest of his bulk.他的双腿和他庞大身躯的其他部分相比瘦得可怜。Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair.班诺尔小心翼翼地将肥硕的身躯落座到椅子上。We traipsed around every store in town, trying to find the right color paint.我们拖着疲惫的身躯逛了镇上每一家商店,想要找到颜色合适的油漆。He let out a cry that convulsed his bulky frame and jerked his arm.他大叫一声,高大的身躯剧烈地抖了一下,手臂也突然一哆嗦。He raised his ample frame from the armchair.他拖着肥大的身躯从扶手椅中站起。The leather armchair creaked as Roberts shifted his bulk.这把皮扶手椅在罗伯茨移动他那庞大身躯时嘎吱作响。He slumped his lanky frame in an easy chair.他那瘦长的身躯一下倒在安乐椅里。Keep your trunk erect throughout the exercise.在整个练习过程中都要挺直身躯The lion has a sinewy body.这头狮子身躯健硕。




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