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Maria was small and plump with a mass of curly hair.玛丽亚身材矮小丰满,一头卷发。He was small and to all appearances very modest.他身材矮小,看起来很谦逊。An ugly little man came over and offered to buy me a drink.一个长相丑陋、身材矮小的男人走过来,要请我喝杯酒。We saw a little old lady with a walking-stick.我们看到一位身材矮小、拄着拐杖的老太太。He was a small, dark-haired man.他是个身材矮小的黑发男子。It was as if the audience was completely mesmerized by the small figure on the stage.观众似乎被舞台上的这个身材矮小的人完全迷住了。A small but immaculate figure stood in the doorway.一个身材矮小但很整洁的人站在门口。He was a small man with vague eyes.他身材矮小,眼睛没有表情。Maria was small and plump.玛利亚身材矮小丰满。He has a compact body.他身材矮小健壮。He's short and not really handsome, but women still find him attractive.他身材矮小也不怎么英俊,但女性还是觉得他很吸引人。 |