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词汇 踉跄
例句 He finally faltered in the last game of a heroic match.他在这场艰苦比赛的最后一局中踉跄结束。Something hit me on the head, and I staggered across the room.有东西打在我头上,我跟踉跄跄走到房间另一头去。He let David go with a thrust of his wrist that sent the lad reeling.他手腕猛一用力推开戴维,让这小伙子打了个踉跄The drunkard tottered along the road.醉鬼在路上踉跄行走。He was reeling drunkenly down the street.他在街上醉醺醺地踉跄着。The punch sent his opponent reeling.这一拳把他的对手打得直踉跄Simon shuffled awkwardly up to them.西蒙脚步踉跄地朝他们走去。Paul lurched sideways as the boat rolled suddenly.船突然摇晃起来,保罗踉跄地歪向一边。I struggled into a bathrobe and staggered down the stairs.我挣扎着穿上浴衣,踉跄地下了楼。The old man staggered drunkenly to his feet.老汉醉醺醺地踉跄着站了起来。As the blow landed on his chin, the man's head jerked back and he tottered drunkenly backwards.这个人下巴上吃了一拳,把他打得脑袋猛地往后一歪,像醉汉一样向后踉跄The woman staggered and collapsed in a heap.那个女人踉跄倒地,蜷作一团。A wino lurched across the street.一个酒鬼踉跄地穿过马路。He stumbled out of the bar to look for a cab.踉跄走出酒吧,寻找出租车。Dazed survivors staggered from the wreckage.吓呆了的幸存者踉跄地走出残骸。A hard slap on the back staggered him.背上的一记猛击使他打了个踉跄I stumbled into the loo, touched up my make-up, fluffed up my hair.踉跄着跑进洗手间,补了补妆,拍松了头发。He shambled into the room.他跟踉跄跄地走进了房间。The soldier reeled bloodily away.这名士兵浑身是血,踉跄而去。He drank freely of rum. The poison had taken effect, and he stumbled.他狂饮朗姆酒。酒性发作,他步履踉跄The boy was very unsteady and had staggered around when he got up.男孩站立不稳,并且起身后四下走动时步子踉跄




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