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词汇 跋涉
例句 He trudged three hours in the snow to get back home.他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。I trudged through the snow and ice to the edge of town.我在冰雪中艰难跋涉来到城市的边缘。The couple trudged up the dark mountainside.这对夫妇在黑黝黝的山坡上艰难跋涉I had tramped many miles and been eaten alive by mosquitoes.我已经跋涉了很多英里,被蚊子叮得体无完肤。The soldiers were slogging through the mud.士兵们在泥地中艰难跋涉He trudged wearily down Arthur Street.他沿着亚瑟大街精疲力竭地跋涉The troops had to slog up a steep muddy incline.军队不得不沿着陡峭泥泞的斜坡艰难跋涉They were slopping about in the mud.他们正在泥浆中艰难跋涉We trudged back up the hill.我们跋涉回到山上。Energetic types can be out before breakfast and yomp about the hills until 10 a.m.精力充沛的士兵能在早饭前就出发,负重行军跋涉于山间直到十点钟。They trudged along, meditating upon the song of the skylark.他们一边艰难跋涉,一边冥想着云雀的鸣唱。Women in some villages had to trudge miles to fetch one pail of water.一些村子的妇女不得不费劲地跋涉数英里去取一桶水。Most of the trek is along worn paths.大部分时候都是沿着被人踩得坑坑洼洼的小路跋涉It was a hard trudge up the hill.这趟上山是一次艰难的跋涉




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