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词汇 Alcohol
例句 Alcohol has a lower freezing point than water.酒精的结冰点比水低。Alcohol is a potent drug that anaesthetizes the brain.酒精是一种能麻醉大脑的烈性药物。Alcohol can produce violent, disruptive behavior.酒精会引发暴力和破坏性行为。Alcohol is much less potent than opium, because it works in an entirely different way.酒的效力远不如鸦片,因为它所起的作用完全不同。Alcohol abuse has reached epidemic proportions in this country.在这个国家,酗酒已成为一种风气。Alcohol can alter a person's mood.酒精能改变人的情绪。Alcohol has a lot of empty calories.酒热量很高,但没什么营养。Alcohol? I never touch the stuff.酒?我从不沾那东西。Alcohol acts quickly on the brain.酒精能迅速对大脑产生影响。Alcohol and pills do not mix.喝酒时不宜服用药丸。Alcohol provides some people with instant oblivion.酒精可让一些人即刻进入无意识状态。Alcohol significantly inhibits the action of the drug.酒精会显著地抑制这种药物发挥作用。Alcohol acts as a diuretic, making you even more dehydrated.酒精有利尿剂的作用,会使脱水更严重。Alcohol can cause liver failure and hence death.酒精会导致肝衰竭并因此导致死亡。Alcohol can slow your reflexes.酒精会减缓你的反应速度。Alcohol was a contributor to the accident.酒是酿成这一事故的一个因素。Alcohol affects the brain, making speech slurred and imprecise.酒精影响大脑,使言语含糊不清。Alcohol was detectable in his blood.在他的血液中可测出酒精。Alcohol is strictly forbidden in Saudi Arabia.喝酒在沙特阿拉伯是严格禁止的。Alcohol significantly impairs your ability to drive a car or operate machinery.酒精会严重影响你驾驶汽车或操作机器的能力。Alcohol and petrol are useful solvents for spots that will not come off in water.对于清水洗不掉的污渍,酒精和汽油是有效的溶剂。Alcohol slows a driver's reactions, making it harder to avoid an accident.酒精会减弱司机的反应能力,使他更难避免事故的发生。Alcohol abuse and eating disorders often go together.酗酒往往伴随着饮食紊乱。Alcohol is loaded with calories.烈酒卡路里含量很高。Alcohol quickly dehydrates your body.酒精会使身体快速脱水。Alcohol is responsible for many thousands of premature deaths each year.每年都有好几千人英年早逝,酒是罪魁祸首。Alcohol abuse in men can cause loss of sex drive and reduced potency.男子酗酒可能导致性欲丧失和性功能下降。Alcohol interferes with blood-sugar levels and can deplete the body of essential nutrients.酒精会使人体内的血糖浓度失调,也会消耗人体所必需的营养成分。Alcohol is strictly forbidden. Even the major hotels are dry.含酒精的饮料是绝对禁止的,甚至连大宾馆里也不供应酒。Alcohol causes the peripheral blood vessels to dilate.酒精会使外周血管扩张。Alcohol has a noticeable effect on the body.酒精对身体有明显的影响。Alcohol is also a powerful and fast-acting drug.酒也是一种效力强且迅速给人快感的毒品。Alcohol has its grim possibilities.酒精有潜在的恶果。Alcohol abuse worsened his heart condition.酗酒加重了他的心脏病。Alcohol helped him to lose his inhibitions.酒精使他变得无所顾忌。Alcohol is the enemy of healthy sperm and eggs.酒精危害精子和卵子的健康。Alcohol and tobacco consumption by young people is especially worrisome because habits formed early are likely to persist.年轻人的吸烟饮酒问题特别令人担心,因为那些早期形成的习惯很可能持续下去。Alcohol just brings out the worst in her.喝酒把她最坏的一面暴露了出来。Alcohol negates the effects of the medicine. 酒精使药物失效。Alcohol has the effect of slowing down your reactions.酒精会使人反应迟钝。




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