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词汇 足球运动
例句 As a football player, his great asset was his calm, phlegmatic manner.作为一名足球运动员,他最大的优点是他在场上沉着冷静的风度。He admitted that he still feels unfulfilled as a footballer.他承认对自己作为足球运动员的表现还是不满意。Footballers in whopping great studded boots walk over the pitch.脚蹬帅气钉靴的足球运动员走进了球场。He's a great player, but his game still has a few rough edges.他是一个优秀的足球运动员,但他的技艺仍有瑕疵。Some argue that money has debased football.有人说金钱腐蚀了足球运动It would be a mistake to assume that all football players are unintelligent.以为所有足球运动员都很愚笨那就错了。A good football player anticipates his opponent's moves.一个优秀的足球运动员会先发制人,使对手无所施其技。The bar was full of lairy, pint-swilling lads.酒吧里到处都是身穿足球运动衫、纵情畅饮的年轻人。Footballers launched an unprecedented crusade against racism on the terraces.足球运动员们对阶梯看台上的种族歧视发起了一场空前的运动。The accident just about finished him as a footballer.那次事故几乎结束了他足球运动员的生涯。He was a talented football player and I knew he'd make it.他是一名有天赋的足球运动员,我早知道他会成功的。He thinks he's God's gift to football.他自以为是个了不起的足球运动员。Neil's got what it takes to be a great footballer.尼尔具备成为一名伟大足球运动员的潜力。He turned up at the fancy dress party as a footballer.他扮成足球运动员出现在化装舞会上。He's a good footballer, but erratic.他是个优秀的足球运动员,只是状态不稳定。Football players are strongly advised to wear shin guards.极力建议足球运动员穿上护胫。The football player damaged a hamstring severely.那位足球运动员的一根腿筋严重扭伤了。The football players showed good combination.这些足球运动员配合默契。All footballers have to look ahead to the time when they leave the game.所有的足球运动员都要提前考虑自己退役的那一刻。The footballer is hoping to transfer to another team soon.那名足球运动员希望很快能转到另一个球队去。In my view, football players are a bunch of overpaid prima donnas.在我看来,足球运动员是一帮收入过高、妄自尊大的家伙。He dreamed of becoming a famous footballer.他梦想成为著名的足球运动员。What a great football player! I have never seen his like before.多么了不起的足球运动员! 我从没有见到过可与之匹敌的球员。It is arguable that retired football players become good managers.退役足球运动员能否成为好教练是有争议的。Some football players become like demigods to their fans.有些足球运动员在球迷心目中似乎被神化了。The commentator gabbled out the names of the football players.解说员急促地报出足球运动员们的姓名。As a football player John is second to none.约翰作为一名足球运动员是无与伦比的了。He was a very husky young man, built like a football player.他是个壮硕的小伙子,有着足球运动员般的身材。Footballers are accustomed to profiting handsomely from bonuses.足球运动员对获取丰厚的奖金已习以为常。He was my right-hand man, my lieutenant on the field, a cool, calculated footballer.他是我的得力助手,球场上的代理人,是一个冷静而有头脑的足球运动员。Some people live and breathe football.有些人非常热衷于足球运动He is a very good footballer; You ought to see him in action.他是一位出色的足球运动员,你应该看他踢球。We'll make a footballer of you yet.我们终将把你培养成一名足球运动员。He is an exceptional footballer — an artist.他是一名出色的足球运动员,一个足球高手。This footballer wants a transfer to another team.这位足球运动员想转到另一个球队踢球。This was only a ploy for the footballer to manoeuvre an early exit from the Midlands.这不过是该名足球运动员为早日离开中部地区而耍的花招。The charity tournament featured oldie footballers and young stars of TV.这场慈善锦标赛由上了年纪的足球运动员和年轻的电视明星担纲。I think he's the greatest football player out.我认为他是目前最伟大的足球运动员。Danny has great skill as a football player, and, equally important, the determination that you need to succeed.作为一名足球运动员,丹尼有着高超的技艺,而且同样重要的是他还具备成功所必需的决心。Critics claim that many soccer players are overpaid, overrated and out of touch.评论人士称许多足球运动员薪酬过高、评价过高,而且遥不可及。




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