例句 |
These dams have restricted the flow of the river downstream.这些堤坝限制了河水顺流而下。A branch was floating down the river.一根树枝浮在河里顺流而下。The logs rolled down the river.原木随着河水顺流而下。It's easier to go with the current.顺流而下比较容易。We sailed slowly down the river.我们顺流而下缓缓航行。It took us nearly two days to canoe down the river.我们乘独木舟顺流而下用了近两天的时间。She and her husband paddled a canoe down the Mississippi.她和丈夫划着独木舟沿密西西比河顺流而下。A giant ship was easing downriver.一艘巨轮正不紧不慢地顺流而下。The river departs from its original course a few miles downstream.河水顺流而下几英里后改变了河道。The boat chugged slowly down the river.船突突地缓缓顺流而下。They sailed down the river.他们驾船顺流而下。The boat drifted slowly downstream.小船慢慢地顺流而下。We float the logs down the river to the paper factory.我们让木材顺流而下漂到造纸厂。The boat was carried along in the current.小船顺流而下。The flood waters swept the car downstream.洪水席卷汽车顺流而下。He canoed down the river to the camp.他划着独木舟顺流而下去了营地。 |