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词汇 unbound
例句 Many religions have strict rules about women displaying unbound hair.许多宗教对女性露出未束起的头发有严格的规定。He dresses however he likes and feels unbound by convention.他喜欢怎么穿就怎么穿,不受传统的束缚。She unbound her hair and let it flow loose in the wind.她把头发解开,让它随风飘动。Because of his hard work and good attitude, he was unbound before his sentence was up.由于工作努力态度好,他刑满前就被释放了。My hands were unbound and my blindfold removed.我手上的绳子被解开了,我的眼罩也被拿掉了。Many cultures still have fairly strict rules about women displaying unbound hair.许多文化中对女子披散头发仍有着相当严格的规定。He rubbed his unbound hands and feet.他揉搓着自己被放开的手和脚。




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