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例句 Her publishing career started as an editorial assistant on a women's magazine and it was onwards and upwards from there.她的出版事业从在一家女性杂志做编辑助理起步,越做越成功。The project started slowly, but now the work is coming along.项目起步缓慢,但现在工作进展顺利。She gave him his start in the business.她给了他在这行发展的起步机会。She began her career in local radio.她在地方电台起步开始自己的职业生涯。The Kenyan athlete made a tactical error in starting too fast.肯尼亚运动员犯了战术错误,起步时跑得太快。They're new to the software game, so they're spending a lot on advertising.软件方面他们刚刚起步,所以在广告上投资很大。He was able to get in on the ground floor of the computer industry.他能够在计算机产业起步时参与其中。An embarrassing blunder nearly blighted his career before it got off the ground.一个令人难堪的疏忽几乎毁掉了他还没有起步的事业。A global study has just been started to chart the effects of climate change.一项观察记录气候变化后果的全球性研究才刚刚起步Her career began as prima donna with the Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company.事业刚起步的时候,她在皇家卡尔·罗莎歌剧团担任首席女歌手。Engage first gear and move off.挂一挡起步New companies often experience a loss in their first few years.新公司在刚起步的几年中经常亏损。The project started slowly, but everything is finally starting to come together now.项目起步缓慢,但现在一切终于开始步入正轨了。I put my truck in gear and pulled out into the flow of traffic.我把卡车挂上挡,然后起步汇入了车流中。It was his aunt who got him started in publishing.是他的姨妈帮他在出版界起步的。Tiger Woods was among the early starters.泰格·伍兹属于起步较早者。The team got off to a slow start, but recently they have been coming on like gangbusters. 这支球队起步很慢,但最近一直表现得很好。He has ridden horses all his life, but he was a late starter in the racing game.他骑了一辈子的马,但在赛马方面却起步很晚。Her father had impeded her inchoate musical career.她父亲阻碍了她刚起步的音乐事业。I'm not going to prevent you getting a head start in life.我不会阻止你为人生争取起步优势。The business began humbly but quickly became successful.这家企业起步卑微,但很快便取得了成功。The current economic climate is particularly difficult for fledgling businesses.目前的经济气候对刚起步的公司来说特别艰难。We help small companies to get off the ground.我们帮助一些小公司顺利起步The taskforce has recommended some kind of subsidy to help businesses get their Internet start-ups off the ground.工作组建议提供某种形式的补贴帮助企业的互联网新项目起步This gave a kick-start to his political career.这使他得以在政坛起步The company has really come a long way since/from its humble beginnings.这家公司起步很艰难,至今已有了很大发展。When he started he was just a poor boy from the hood - now he's a multimillionaire.他刚起步时只是一个从贫民区来的穷小子——如今他已是个千万富翁了。The actress is now focusing on her nascent singing career.这位女演员正专注于她刚起步的歌唱事业。Although she's now rich and famous, she remembers her meager beginnings as a child from a poor family.尽管她现在名利双收,但她仍然记得作为穷苦家庭出身的孩子在起步时的艰难。He began by writing letters to well-known figures in journalism.他以给新闻界知名人士写信起步Woods started young, and was coached by his father.伍兹起步很早,由他父亲训练。The project is only in its initial phase as yet, but it's looking quite promising.该项目前才刚起步,但看起来很有前途。Hong Kong's manufacturing industry did not start from scratch in the post-war period.战后香港的制造业并非是从零起步Start-ups are very vulnerable in the business world.商界中刚起步的小企业非常脆弱。She took some extra classes to get a head start in/on her career.她进修了一些额外的课程以便在事业上具有起步优势。The race will start at the town hall.比赛将从市政厅起步The business started as an offshoot of an established fashion design company.这家公司起步时只是一个知名时装设计公司的分支机构。We are only just beginning to unravel the mysteries of the human brain.揭开人类大脑之谜,我们还只是刚刚起步She was in at the beginning/start, when the company began.公司刚起步时,她就入职了。He jogged the reins and the horse started up.他轻轻一抖缰绳,马儿就起步了。




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