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词汇 起因
例句 In the debate about global warming, coal-fired power stations are usually seen as the prime villains.在全球气候变暖的辩论中,燃煤发电厂通常被看作是问题的主要起因Speed was a causative factor in the accident. 超速行驶是此次事故的起因A misunderstanding was the beginning of their quarrel.误会是他们争吵的起因The real reasons for the war are now lost in the mists of time.那场战争爆发的真正起因现在已随着时间的推移而被人遗忘了。As we saw in Chapter 4, slavery was not the only cause of the Civil War.正如我们在第四章所见,蓄奴制不是内战的唯一起因So far we only have sketchy information about what caused the explosion.迄今为止,我们仅仅掌握了关于爆炸起因的大概信息。It took me some time to work out what was causing this.我花了一些时间才弄清此事的起因Theories abound as to what really caused this.关于此事真正起因的理论多得很。Contrary to popular mythology , he did not actually discover the cause of the disease by himself.都说是他本人发现了那种疾病的起因,其实不然。There are a number of different theories about the cause of the disease.关于这种病的起因有很多种猜测。Other cultures’ beliefs about the origins of disease often differ from our own.其他文化对于疾病起因的看法往往和我们的文化不一样。The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand is seen as the starting point of the war.斐迪南大公遭刺杀的事件被认为是那次战争的起因The faulty wire was the trigger for the explosion.电线故障是这场爆炸的起因There is debate among researchers about the causes of this disease.关于这种病的起因研究人员之间有争论。He blamed me personally for causing the problem.他将问题的起因归咎于我个人。The causes of the dispute are not entirely clear.这次争端的起因未完全清楚。Experts are examining the wreckage, but the cause of the accident has not yet been identified.专家们正在检查残骸,但事故的起因尚未查明。The exact cause of the fire is still under investigation.火灾的确切起因仍在调查中。The cause of the accident was not immediately apparent.事故的起因并非一目了然。The details of this incident, the how and the why, haven't been revealed.这起事件的细节、过程以及起因尚未披露。The tariffs have been a bone of contention between the two nations.关税问题一直是两国间争端的起因Experts hold varying opinions as to the causes of the disease.专家们对该病的起因各持己见。He finally rooted out the cause of the problem.他终于找到了问题的起因That's a different slant on the causes of the war.那是对这场战争起因的一种不同看法。Having gone into the causes of the French Revolution, the book then discusses its effects.这本书详细论述了法国革命的起因,之后又讨论了革命的影响。They were able to determine the cause of the accident by careful reconstruction of the events leading up to it.他们能够通过对导致事故的各种事件进行梳理,确定事故起因Poor nutrition may have been an indirect cause of the disease.营养不良可能是这种病的间接起因To this day I don't know exactly what started the fight.至今我还不清楚这场打斗的确切起因The book provides an unblinking view of the causes of the war.这部书对此次战争的起因提出了一个坦诚的观点。He is researching into the causes of cancer.他正在研究癌症的起因We haven't yet established the cause of the accident.我们尚未查明事故的起因Firefighters are still probing for the cause of the fire.消防员们仍在追查这场火灾的起因The cause of the accident has been a source of puzzlement.事故的起因成为一个令人困惑的缘由。The book is full of illuminating detail on the causes of the war.这本书中有关战争起因的细节很丰富,对读者很有启发性。The causes are a complex blend of local and national tensions.起因十分复杂,地方性和全国性的紧张局势交融在了一起。The causes and cures for cancer have bothered researchers for years.癌症的起因和治疗方法多年来一直是研究者伤脑筋的问题。There is a popular mythology that he discovered the cause of the disease by himself.有一种普遍的错误观点,认为是他本人发现了那种疾病的起因His insulting remark was the occasion of a bitter quarrel.他的辱骂是激烈争吵的起因It's hard to get a hold on the cause of these problems.这些问题的起因很难弄清。Scientists haven't yet reached a conclusion on/about the causes of this illness.科学家们对这种疾病的起因尚未得出定论。




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