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词汇 lemon
例句 Add a splash of lemon juice to flavor the butter.加上一点柠檬汁给黄油调味。My mother always used to wax lyrical about the lemon trees in her family's garden.我母亲过去总是会深情地谈起她家中花园里的那些柠檬树。Mix three parts rum to one part lemon juice.将三份朗姆酒和一份柠檬汁混合。Add the juice of half a lemon.加入半个柠檬的汁。The lemon geranium sloughs dry brown leaves at the base of its branches.柠檬天竺葵枝条底部棕色的枯叶会脱落。Add the grated rind of a lemon.加入磨碎的柠檬皮。You can use lemon juice to remove the grease.你可以用柠檬汁来去除这些油污。I'm going to look a lemon, aren't I?我看上去要像傻瓜了,是吗?The flowers' white petals contrast handsomely with their lemon-yellow cups.这种花的白色花瓣和浅黄色花萼形成悦目的对比。Use half a lemon dipped in salt and vinegar.用半个柠檬蘸上盐和醋。That Chevy was a real lemon; it was fixed more often than it was driven.那辆雪佛兰车真是部烂车,进厂修理的时间比开车的时间还长。She uses lemon rather than vinegar in her salad dressings.在沙拉调料中,她用柠檬而不用醋。Another neat trick is to add lemon peel to the water.另一种妙招是在水里加点儿柠檬皮。Place some lemon slices on the fish before serving it.把几片柠檬放在鱼上,然后再上桌。She opened the refrigerator door and reached for the lemon concentrate.她打开冰箱门,伸手去拿浓缩柠檬汁。Is there any of that lemon cake left?柠檬蛋糕有没有剩下点儿啊?Garnish the fish with wedges of lemon.给鱼配几角柠檬。Add a splash of lemon juice.加入一点点柠檬汁。Only one of his inventions turned out to be a lemon.在他的几项发明中只有一项没有获得成功。Mix the rest of the olive oil with the zest and juice of the lemon.将其余的橄榄油和柠檬皮及柠檬汁混合在一起。There were two lemon trees and I paused to enjoy their perfume.那里有两棵柠檬树,我不禁驻足品味柠檬的芬芳。Garnish each dish with a slice of lemon.在每盘菜上配一片柠檬。I just stood there like a lemon.我就傻乎乎地站在那儿。He added a twist of lemon to her drink.他在饮料里加了一片柠檬。All I had left in the fridge was a lemon and a couple of squashy tomatoes.我冰箱里只剩下一个柠檬和几个烂熟的番茄。Add a little lemon juice to give the pasta a cool, clean taste.加一点柠檬汁给意大利面食以清凉又清新的口味。Finely chop the remaining preserved lemon pieces.把剩下的腌制柠檬片切碎。Juice from the lemon squirted into my eye.柠檬汁溅到了我眼睛里。McGuire took a long swig from his bottle of bitter lemon.麦圭尔举起瓶子咕咚咕咚地喝了一大通苦柠檬汁。Boil the chick peas, add garlic and lemon juice.把鹰嘴豆放在开水中煮,并加入大蒜和柠檬汁。To make citron pressé, dilute fresh lemon juice with water and add sugar.做柠檬汁,要将新鲜柠檬汁用水稀释并加糖。He took a little test drive and agreed the car was a lemon.他试驾了一下,也认为这车不行。We sucked on lemon drops.我们嘴里咂着柠檬糖。He just stood there looking like a real lemon.他就像个十足的傻瓜一样站在那里。She dropped some lemon juice into her tea.她在茶里滴了几滴柠檬汁。I felt such a lemon when I discovered I'd missed my appointment.我发现错过了约会时间,觉得自己真是太傻了。To the north, the bright colour graded into the most exquisite deep lemon.在北边,鲜艳的颜色渐次过渡到最细腻的深柠檬黄色。Garnish it with a slice of lemon.用一片柠檬来装饰这道菜。I watched Julius rubbing down the beautiful counter with lemon oil.我看着朱利叶斯用柠檬油把漂亮的柜台磨平。Place the fish on a flat surface and sprinkle the flesh with lemon juice and pepper.将鱼放在案面上并在鱼肉上撒柠檬汁和胡椒粉。




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