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词汇 起哄
例句 A small group carried on heckling.一小群人继续起哄He was heckled as he strode into his office yesterday.昨天他大步走进办公室时有人起哄A small group of youths stayed behind to heckle and shout abuse.一小群小青年没走,在起哄、叫骂。After a moment the barracking began. First came hisses, then shouts.过了一会儿便有人起哄了。先是嘘声,然后就是大喊大叫。There were scuffles when UDF hecklers began to shout down the speakers.来自联合民主阵线的诘问者开始对演讲者大声起哄时,引发了多次冲突。The politician was barracked by students at the back of the hall.礼堂后面的学生对这位政客起哄The fans are entitled to their opinion but booing doesn't help anyone.粉丝有权表达他们的观点,但起哄对任何人都没有好处。A few angry locals started heckling (the speaker).一些愤怒的当地人开始(对演说者)起哄The crowd barracked the visiting team.人群对客队喝倒彩起哄The ceremony was disrupted by unprecedented heckling and slogan-chanting.仪式因前所未有的起哄和口号声而中断。The spectators jeered and whistled.观众们又起哄又吹口哨。They heckled him and interrupted his address with angry questions.他们冲他起哄,以激愤的问题打断他的发言。The ceremony was disrupted by unprecedented heckling and slogan-chanting.仪式因前所未有的起哄和喊口号声而中断。He wasn't going to let a bit of heckling put him off his stride.他不会因为一点点起哄就让自己乱了阵脚。The pupils spoke in low tones and there was none of the usual horsing around.学生们说话轻声轻气的,再不像往常那样起哄吵闹。Fans gained more enjoyment barracking him than cheering on the team.比起为球队加油,球迷们从朝他起哄中获得了更大的乐趣。She was upset by the crowd's heckling.她被人群的起哄搞得心烦意乱。Comedians usually have a few ready comments for members of the audience that come to heckle.对那些起哄的观众,喜剧演员通常都预备了几句应对的评语。!There was really no way they could do anything without making a public stink.他们不起哄闹事确实就别无他法了。The players were being heckled by the fans.运动员们受到粉丝的起哄There were scuffles when hecklers began to shout down the speakers.质问者开始对演讲者大声起哄,引发了多起冲突。She was catcalled on stage.她在舞台上遭人起哄了。Every time the minister got up to speak he was barracked mercilessly.每次部长起来讲话,都有人毫不留情地起哄Councillors were jeered and heckled as they emerged from the meeting.政务会委员们走出会场时遭到了嘲笑和起哄The people of this town found a rail and run him out on it.本城的人找来一根木杆,把他抬起哄了出去。




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