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词汇 走访
例句 We spent the week visiting relatives.我们花了一星期时间走访亲戚。She couldn't find a pretext to visit Derek at home.她找不到去德里克家走访的借口。Police canvassed the neighborhood, but didn't find any witnesses.警方走访了这一地区,但未能找到任何证人。Journalists had doorstepped the couple and their neighbours.新闻记者走访了这对夫妇及其邻居。As a clown he visits local hospitals to cheer up sick children.身为小丑的他走访当地各家医院,为患病的儿童打气。Visiting my old house has revived childhood memories.走访故居激起了我对童年的回忆。They would go out on his route and check him.他们会到他那里走访一下,看看他的情况。The Pope is visiting some of the most poverty-stricken areas of the city.教皇正在走访该市一些最穷困的地方。The report is based on visits to schools in five cities.这篇报道是根据对五个城市的学校的走访写成的。Nurses visit the mother and baby for two weeks after their discharge from the hospital.母婴出院后护士走访了她们两星期。In most of the residence halls we visited, rules prohibit disorderly conduct.在我们走访的学生宿舍里,大多明令禁止胡作非为。Critics have dismissed his visit to a shelter for the homeless as an obvious piece of electioneering.批评人士对他走访无家可归者收容所很是不屑,说这明显是在拉票。The Pope is visiting some of the most poverty-stricken areas of the city.教皇正在走访该城一些最穷困的地方。The sports writer visited a few training camps.那个体育记者走访了几个集训营地。He visited the center several times, trying out different computer software packages.他几度走访该中心,试用不同的电脑套装软件。We're planning to visit London this summer.我们打算今年夏天走访伦敦。Campaigners walked door-to-door in targeted precincts.竞选者们在目标选区进行了挨门挨户的走访He spends his spare time visiting schools to warn pupils off drugs.他在业余时间走访学校,告诫小学生远离毒品。




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