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例句 Rob stormed out of the house and slammed the door.罗布气冲冲地走出屋子,砰的一声关上了门。Most airmen aren't allowed to leave the confines of the base.大多数飞行员不允许走出该基地。She kept her cool and managed to get herself out of the ordeal.她保持着冷静与克制,努力使自己走出了这次痛苦的经历。He beelined out the door.他径直走出门去。He walked out of the room, leaving me to ponder what he had just said.走出了房间,留下我思考他刚才说过的话。She stalked out of the room, her head high.她昂著头,高视阔步走出了房间。Coyne limped off the pitch with an ankle injury.科因脚踝受伤,一瘸一拐地走出球场。He walked from the court arm in arm with his wife.他和妻子挽着胳膊走出法庭。From what I've heard he started wheeling and dealing fresh out of college.据我所知,他刚走出大学校门就开始投机取巧。They worked their way out of the wood.他们拖着疲步走出树林。What we want to see today are policies to pull us out of this recession.目前我们想看到的是能使我们走出这次经济衰退的政策。Please exit the building in an orderly fashion.请有秩序地走出大楼。In response, she stormed out of the room.她的反应是怒气冲冲地走出了房间。Friends will see you are putting on a brave face and might assume you've got over your grief.朋友们看到你一脸轻松,也许会以为你已经走出悲伤。The organizers guided them in an orderly fashion out of the building.组织者引领他们井然有序地走出大楼。The film portrays a family's difficult climb from the depths of poverty.影片描述了一个家庭走出极度贫困的艰难历程。He stumbled out of the bar to look for a cab.他踉跄走出酒吧,寻找出租车。We managed to navigate our way through the forest.我们终于辨明方向走出了森林。He gets so down in the dumps I think he's never going to snap out of it.他深陷抑郁之中,我觉得他永远也没法走出阴影了。Hawke got up and walked obtrusively out of the building.霍克站了起来,大摇大摆地走出了大楼。The police nicked them as they came out of the bank.他们走出银行的时候被警方逮了个正着。He stomped angrily out of the room.他生气地跺着脚走出了房间。He walked from the court house a free man.他以自由之身走出了法院。Dazed survivors staggered from the wreckage.吓呆了的幸存者踉跄地走出残骸。The world is still reeling from the economic aftershocks of last month's terrorist attacks.全世界仍未走出上个月的恐怖袭击带来的经济阴霾。The company is slowly climbing out of its economic doldrums.公司正缓慢走出经济困境。She walked out of the room.走出了房间。She walked out the door without saying goodbye.她没有道别就走出了门。The line of people went out the door and wrapped around the corner.人们相继走出大门,绕拐角走去。He emerged from the tunnel into blinding sunlight.走出隧道,阳光照得他睁不开眼。Rice showered down on the newlyweds as they left the church.新婚夫妇走出教堂时,大米纷纷洒落到他们身上。We exchanged a few words as we were coming out of the meeting.我们走出会议室时匆匆交谈了几句。They forced us out of the car at gunpoint.他们用枪逼迫我们走出汽车。The Marshal stepped over the vacuum-cleaner and stumped out of the room.元帅迈过真空吸尘器,脚步沉重地走出了房间。He never recovered from the death of his beloved daughter.他一直没有走出失去爱女的阴影。She ran out the door and down the street.走出门跑到大街上。They stepped out of the tent.他们走出了帐篷。Tess called him a liar and at that he stormed out of the room.苔丝说他是个骗子,他一听便气冲冲地走出了房间。They never got over the loss of their son.他们一直没有走出失去儿子的阴影。The sizzle and smell of hamburgers and sausages greeted us as we walked out the back door.我们走出后门的时候,汉堡包和香肠的嘶嘶声和香味朝我们扑面而来。




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