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例句 These abstruse and erudite papers are intelligible only to the initiate.这些深奥而旁征博引的论文,只有具备了入门知识的内行才能看得懂。If the interviewer likes you, you're halfway there.如果面试你的人喜欢你,那你就具备了优势。He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor.他作为一位睿智、具备政治家才干的州长而广受尊崇。The paintings looked amateurish.这些画作看起来只具备业余水准。The department has the calibre of staff to make the project work.该部门具备执行这个项目的人才。You have to be a bit of an optimist to start a business.要想开创一番事业,你必须得具备一点乐观精神。Teachers need to have good judgement of pupils’ needs and abilities.教师对学生的需要和能力要具备良好的判断力。He has filled all requirements for promotion.他已具备晋升的一切条件。She has the makings of a great violinist.具备成为一名优秀小提琴手的一切素质。I wasn't qualified to apply for the job really but I got it anyhow.实际上我并不具备申请这份工作的资格,但不管怎样,我还是被录用了。Windsurfing is perfectly safe as long as you have/use some common sense.只要具备/运用些常识,帆板冲浪运动非常安全。Dwight Eisenhower possessed much the same ability to appear likeable.德怀特·艾森豪威尔也具备上述做出讨人喜欢的样子的能力。Both groups share two attributes normally associated with vertebrates.两组都具有通常脊椎动物才具备的两个特征。Requirements for the position include a master's degree and at least five years of work experience.这个职位要求具备硕士学历和不少于五年的工作经验。Danny has great skill as a football player, and, equally important, the determination that you need to succeed.作为一名足球运动员,丹尼有着高超的技艺,而且同样重要的是他还具备成功所必需的决心。She embodies everything I admire in a teacher.她体现了我钦佩的作为一名教师所具备的各种素质。She had the star quality which would prompt an effluent of journalistic clichés.具备引起媒体舆论的明星素质。Although my father didn't have the wild imagination to make an artist, he was a superb draughtsman.我父亲虽然不具备成为一名艺术家所需要的奇思妙想,但也称得上是一流的绘图师。Judges expect a certain level of competence, so staging a little-girl-lost act in court will do no good whatsoever.法官要求律师具备一定的能力,因此在法庭上摆出一副天真无知的模样效果不会好。I'm all for gender equality, but I think the most qualified person should get the job.我完全支持男女平等,但我认为最具备所有条件的人应该得到这个工作。She has loads of natural talent as a runner and with rigorous training she could be a world-beater.她作为一名赛跑运动员具备很多天赋,经过严格训练一定会成为世界顶尖选手。His body lacks the bounce and vigour of a normal two-year-old.他缺乏一个正常两岁儿童应具备的弹跳力与活力。The ability to impart knowledge and command respect is the essential qualification for teachers.具备传授知识并赢得尊敬的能力是对教师的基本要求。He had the advantage of a good education.具备受过良好教育的优势。Applicants should have a proven track record in telesales.申请者须具备可靠的电话销售业绩记录。In my opinion, she does not have the qualifications required for the job.依我看,她不具备做这份工作所需的资历。Most of the workers did not have the skills required to perform the most basic tasks.大多数工人都不具备完成最基本任务所需的技能。He has the robust approach needed.具备了所需的坚定的行事态度。This class requires a rudimentary knowledge of human anatomy.这门课要求具备人体解剖学的基本知识。It's in the general interest that we should have a well-run health service.为了大众的利益,我们应该具备运营良好的保健体系。They have all the markings of a championship team.他们具备夺冠的实力。He has the keen eye and robust approach needed.具备了所需的敏锐的洞察力和坚定的行事态度。He had one potentially decisive factor in his favour / favor: the element of surprise.具备一种对他的发展有积极影响的决定性素质 - 出奇制胜的本领。Possessed of such qualities, how do you bring them to the fore and snare the job?既然具备了这些优秀素质,你该怎样把它们充分展示出来并谋得这份工作呢?Have you the requisite perseverence for such a heavy task?你对承担这样一项艰巨任务具备必不可少的毅力吗?You've got the makings of a real professional.你已经具备了成为真正行家的潜质。Do you have what it takes to do this job?具备做这份工作的资质吗?If we didn't have what it took at the beginning, we picked it up along the way.如果说在开始时我们还不具备成功的条件,一路做来的同时我们创造了这种条件。Potential investors want to know that you've got strong entrepreneurial instincts.潜在的投资者想知道你们是否已经具备了很强的创业直觉。Most vacancies are at senior level, requiring appropriate qualifications.大多数空缺属于高层职位,要求具备相应的资历。




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