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词汇 赤裸裸
例句 The violence is never explicitly shown.从来没有赤裸裸地去表现暴力。The MP's speech was dismissed by her opponents as crude electioneering.这位下院议员的演讲被她的对手斥之为赤裸裸的拉票行径。They described the president's actions as a gross violation of human rights.他们把总裁的行为描述为赤裸裸的人权侵犯。At some point you have to face the simple/hard/honest/plain/naked truth that we failed.你终归得面对我们已经失败的这个基本/严酷/真实/清清楚楚/赤裸裸的事实。The newspapers once again filled their columns with salacious details.赤裸裸的猥亵细节再度充斥了报纸的版面。The director's films have achieved notoriety for their graphic depiction of violence.该导演的影片因赤裸裸地对暴力进行描写而声名狼藉。Such revealing pornography was startling.这种赤裸裸的淫秽描写令人吃惊。It's nothing short of barefaced robbery to charge this much.要价这么高,真是无异于赤裸裸的抢劫了。This is a bald falsehood.这是赤裸裸的谎言。That's a bald-faced lie!那是赤裸裸的谎言I can still remember the accident in graphic detail.那次事故中那些赤裸裸的可怕细节我至今历历在目。The boundary changes were denounced as blatant gerrymandering.变更分界线的做法被抨击为赤裸裸的不公正划分选区行为。These are the naked realities.那就是赤裸裸的事实。I saw Sean's face cloud over at this blatant lie.我看见肖恩听到这个赤裸裸的谎话后脸色阴沉下来。The President condemned the invasion as an act of naked aggression.总统谴责说这次入侵是赤裸裸的侵略行径。The film achieved notoriety for its explicit sex scenes.这部电影因其赤裸裸的性爱场面而臭名昭著。The movie was controversial because of its graphic violence.这部影片因赤裸裸的暴力镜头而饱受争议。The report was filled with exaggerations and outright lies.这篇报道满篇都是夸大的不实之词和赤裸裸的谎言。He was a ruthless businessman, motivated by naked ambition and greed.他是个无情的商人,受赤裸裸的野心和贪婪的驱使。The sheer effrontery of the claim took everyone's breath away.这一陈述中透露出的赤裸裸的傲慢令所有人咋舌。She's the most nakedly ambitious person I know.她是我认识的最赤裸裸地表露其野心的人。He accused the diary's publishers of blatant opportunism.他指责这本日记的出版者是赤裸裸的机会主义者。The damaged church was preserved as a stark reminder of the horrors of war.这座被毁的教堂保留了下来,赤裸裸地提醒人们战争的恐怖。One official dismissed the ceasefire as a mere propaganda exercise.一名官员将停火斥为赤裸裸的宣传伎俩。The rawness of his greed was frank and uninhibited.他的贪婪是赤裸裸的,干脆直接,毫不掩饰。The President has been accused of being spineless in the face of naked aggression.面对敌人赤裸裸的侵略,总统被指责表现得懦弱不堪。Women were not supposed to parade their ambition nakedly.女性被认为不应该赤裸裸地展示其雄心。




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