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词汇 新政府
例句 The political party went underground after the new government took power.新政府掌权后,那个政党转入到地下活动。The new government has expelled all foreign diplomats.新政府驱逐了所有外交官。The new administration faces the difficult task of rebuilding the country's economy.新政府面临着重建国家经济的艰巨任务。The new government banned strikes.新政府禁止罢工。The new government has started to make sweeping changes in the economy.新政府已经着手在经济领域进行意义深远的改革。He was to go on to play a major part in the success of the new government.他注定要在新政府的成功之路上发挥重要作用。Negotiations have begun in preparation for the handover of power to the new government.准备向新政府移交权力的谈判已经开始。Community leaders hope that the new government will devolve more power to/on/upon the community itself.社区领导者希望新政府能下放更多的权力给社区。The new Administration seems to be less doctrinaire in its approach to economic problems.新政府在对待经济问题的态度上似不那么教条。The new government has promised to introduce democratic reforms.新政府承诺要进行民主改革。There were fears that the new government would try to dismantle the state education system.人们担心新政府会试图废除国有教育制度。The rebels took over the capital and set up a new government.叛乱分子占领了首都并成立了新政府The new government will steer the country in the right direction.新政府会把国家领上正确的方向。The new government quite likely will be more receptive to change.新政府很可能更倾向于接受改革。The editorial notes that the new government does not threaten Buddhism.社论声明新政府不侵犯佛教。The other serious problem in the eyes of the new government is communalism.新政府的眼中,另一个重要问题是地方自治主义。The new government will have to clear up the mess left by the previous government.新政府得收拾前政府留下的烂摊子。The peace process has ground to a halt while Israel struggles to form a new government.以色列在艰难地组建新政府时,和平进程已陷于停顿。His new government looks pretty much like the old one.他的新政府看起来和旧政府没什么两样。They continue to mock the idea of a new government.他们继续嘲讽建立一个新政府的想法。The new administration has been strongly criticized for its handling of the affair.新政府在这件事情的处理上受到了强烈的批评。The new government is trying to put things right.新政府正在努力使一切步入正轨。The new government has betrayed the ideals of the revolution.新政府背弃了革命的理想。The newspapers biased their readers against the new government.报纸使得读者们对新政府产生偏见。The new government made drastic changes in its policies.新政府在政策上作了大幅度的改变。Mr Persson knows he must make some concessions to keep a new government afloat, but is determined to be fiscally prudent.佩尔松先生知道,要维持新政府运转,就必须作出某些让步,但他决心在财政上采取谨慎态度。The new government has banned all political parties.新政府取缔了所有的政治党派。The new administration are on the prowl for ways to reduce spending.新政府在寻求削减开支的方法。Any opposition to the new government was immediately stamped on by the army.新政府的任何反抗都立即被军队镇压了下去。It is open to debate whether the new government is any better than the old one.新政府是否比前一届政府强还有待商榷。The problems confronting the new government were enormous.新政府面临的难题是巨大的。Opposition leaders have proclaimed their allegiance to the new government.反对党领袖已宣布效忠新政府The new government set about reversing previous policies.新政府开始转变以前的政策。The new government promised to clamp down on welfare fraud.新政府许诺要严厉打击诈骗福利金的人。The new government is to grant a free pardon to all political prisoners.新政府将颁布特赦令赦免所有政治犯。The former ruler was forced to concede power to a new government.前任统治者被迫向新政府移交政权。Many countries recognized the new government.许多国家承认了新政府Along with other problems, the new government had to face landslide inflation.除其他问题外,新政府还不得不面对一发不可收拾的通胀。The Prime Minister resigned today, clearing the way for the formation of a new government.首相今天的辞职为组建新政府扫清了道路。The Prime Minister resigned today, clearing the way for the formation of a new government.首相今天的辞职为新政府的组建扫清了道路。




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