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词汇 费神
例句 He did not take the trouble to see the film before he attacked it.他在批评那部电影之前都懒得费神欣赏。Trying to continue with a demanding career and manage a child or two is an impossible juggling act.一边要做一份费神费力的工作一边又要照顾一两个孩子,这根本无法同时兼顾。He seemed to be a naturally solitary person, troubling himself about only a few friends.他似乎天生就是个独来独往的人,不愿意费神多交几个朋友。Moving house is reckoned to be nearly as stressful as divorce.搬家被认为几乎和离婚一样劳心费神Trying to fix the computer isn't worth the grief.为修好这台电脑如此费神不值得。I don't even bother to open most of the junk mail I get.对收到的大部分垃圾电子邮件,我甚至都不愿费神去打开看。He rarely does anything more strenuous than changing the channels on the television.他很少做比换电视频道更费神的事。Don't bother with the computer manual - you'll pick it up as you go along.费神看计算机手册了——练练就会了。I can't be bothered with this healthy eating lark.我不想为这种所谓的健康吃法去费神A lot of people can't be bothered to cook good food.很多人不愿为做好吃的食物费神费力。Don't bother your pretty little head with things like that!别让你那可爱的小脑袋为那样的事费神了!The company doesn't want to fool with small distributors.公司不想为小经销商劳心费神I rarely bother to listen to politicians' speeches - it's all just wind.几乎从不费神去听政治家的演讲——都是废话。I just need an entertaining read for the beach - nothing too taxing.我去海滩度假时喜欢看一些休闲读物——不要太费神的。I didn't stop to think where the money was coming from.我不曾费神想过这钱是从哪儿来的。




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