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词汇 贵方
例句 Further to your letter, I agree that there are some presentational problems, politically speaking.正如贵方信中所提到的,我也认为从政治角度来说,有一些词语表意上的问题。Please find enclosed a cheque in settlement of your invoice.兹附上支票一张用以结清贵方发货清单上的货款。I am extremely grateful for the assistance your staff have provided.我万分感激贵方员工为我提供的援助。The captioned goods are urgently needed, so we wish to receive your preformed invoice by return.我们急需标题所提到的商品,因此希望尽快收到贵方的形式发票。I am writing to inquire about your advertisement in The Times.贵方在《泰晤士报》刊登广告,特此致函查询。Our porches can be designed to your exact requirements.我们可以完全根据贵方的要求设计门廊。Please acknowledge receipt of this document by signing and returning the enclosed form.请在附表上签名寄回,以示贵方收到本文件。




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