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词汇 Daisy
例句 Daisy called her daffy, but good-hearted.黛西说她傻乎乎的,但是心肠很好。Daisy Venables, you naughty girl, have you been telling tales again?黛西·维纳布尔斯,你这个顽皮的姑娘,是不是又在搬弄是非了?Daisy tumbled short of his dreams.黛茜够不上他理想中的标准。Daisy wore her hair in a kinky permanent wave.黛西披着一头弯曲的烫发。Daisy strode alongside her, breathing heavily but keeping pace.黛西在她身边大步走着,大口喘着气,但是没有落后。How old was Daisy when she first started walking?黛茜刚开始走路的时候是多大?Five years has intervened since he last saw Daisy.自从他上一次见到黛西以来,五年过去了。She bundled Daisy into her pet carrier.她把黛西放入宠物篮。It took Daisy a long time to ravel out all the wool.黛西花了很长时间才把所有的毛线解开。Daisy called her daffy, but goodhearted.黛西说她傻乎乎的,但心肠很好。I can drop Daisy off on my way home.我可以在回家的路上顺便送下黛西。This odd marriage might be the making of Daisy.这桩别扭的婚事可能是黛茜造成的。Daisy did a lovely picture of a cat at school today.黛西今天在学校画了一只漂亮的猫咪。Racing up the stairs, he almost collided with Daisy.他疾走上楼,差点撞上黛西。Daisy was smiling sweetly at him.戴西温柔地向他微笑。




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