例句 |
He felt his strength ebbing away.他感到自己的力量正在消失。Calla felt her fear slowly ebbing away.卡拉渐渐不觉得害怕了。Their popular support is ebbing away.他们的人气正在衰退。Her strength was ebbing fast, so her children were called to her bedside.她的气力在迅速消减,因此孩子们被叫到她床边。The danger of conflict is not ebbing there.冲突的危险在那里并未减退。She felt the fear ebbing out of her.她感到渐渐地不再害怕了。He knew that his life was ebbing away.他知道他的生命正在枯竭。A strange violent joy kept ebbing and flowing through her.一种奇异而强烈的愉悦感在她身上时起时落。 |