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Through their efforts, enough money was raised to buy the equipment.通过他们的努力,已经筹措了足够的资金购买设备。The money will be used to buy equipment for the school.这笔钱将用来给学校购买设备。Some government agencies will be run like private companies, with a free hand when it comes to rules on hiring, buying equipment, etc.有些政府机构将与私营公司一样经营,在雇请员工、购买设备等方面拥有自主权。Local companies and industries have been helping independent schools by providing buildings and equipment.本地公司和工业一直在帮助私立学校建造大楼和购买设备。These funds are used to finance the purchase of equipment.这些资金用于购买设备。They intended to make capital expenditures for equipment and expansion.他们打算把资本开支用于购买设备和扩大规模。 |