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词汇 财政
例句 I am afraid your plan is not commercially/economically/financially/politically viable.恐怕你的计划在商业/经济/财政/政治上行不通。The government was forced to row back on an austerity plan that would have involved wage cuts.政府被迫取消了一项涉及削减工资的财政紧缩计划。The city has been experiencing a period of financial/economic hardship.市政府一直处在财政/经济困难时期。Then came the recession. Revenues dropped, but the straw that broke the camel's back was the war.之后出现了经济衰退,财政收入下降,但致命的打击还是那场战争。The lack of financial support is our biggest/only complaint.缺乏财政支持是我们最大/唯一的不满。The nation's finances were in a perilous state.该国的财政岌岌可危。He's on the finance committee.他在财政委员会任职。The austerity measures will have little immediate adverse effect on the average Moroccan.财政紧缩政策不会对普通的摩洛哥人产生直接的负面影响。Then came the recession. Revenues dropped, but the straw to break the camel's back was the war.之后出现了经济衰退,财政收入下降,但致命的打击还是那场战争。The tourist trade is screaming for financial support.旅游业强烈要求财政支持。He argued that local councils which overspend should be forced to face fresh elections.他主张应当迫使财政超支的地方政务委员会重新进行选举。The governor will discuss the state's budget deficit/surplus.州长将讨论本州财政预算赤字/盈余问题。The drain on the party's finances will be substantial.该政党的财政消耗将是巨大的。The surtax was another blow to an industry already uptight.附加税对于这一财政已经很困难的行业是又一打击。He now finds himself the subject of an enquiry after reports of financial irregularities.在报道有财政违规行为后,他发现自己成了调查对象。Within a few months I was appointed financial controller, but I still wasn't at the sharp end.几个月里我被任命掌管财政,但仍不处于决策地位。The new law gives local governments a significant measure of control over their own finances.新法规给了地方政府相当大程度的财政自主权。The enquiry dug deeper into the alleged financial misdeeds of his government.这一调查对他的政府涉嫌的财政违规行为展开了进一步探究。The Safer City Project is the latest casualty of financial cutbacks.城市安全工程成了最近财政削减下的牺牲品。The company's financial losses were due to poor management.公司的财政损失是由于管理不善引起的。The finance committee rejected their plan because they said it was too costly.财政委员会说他们的计划成本太大,故加以拒绝。They have devolved financial control to individual schools.他们已将财政管理权下放给了各个学校。The club were found guilty of financial irregularities.该俱乐部被判犯有财政违规行为。Only the House can originate financial measures.只有众议院才有权制定财政措施。On the whole, our financial system is comparatively centralized.财政体制,总的来说,我们是比较集中的。Find a financial consultant who can offer completely independent and disinterested advice.找一位能提出完全独立和公正的建议的财政顾问。The church depends on the financial support of its congregants.教会依赖会众的财政资助。The Senate Finance Committee chopped almost all of the President's tax proposals.参议院的财政委员会把总统的税务建议几乎全砍光了。Banks have been slow to increase their lending at year end.财政年底,银行增加贷款的速度很慢。He has never flinched from harsh financial decisions.他从不回避棘手的财政决策。The enquiry dug deeper into the alleged financial misdeeds of his government.这一调查对其政府涉嫌的财政违规行为展开了进一步深究。To receive even the smallest amount of financial aid from a college, it's a real paper chase.为获得大学的即使最少量财政补助,也都要先处理填妥数之不尽的文件。The city assumes greater financial risk with that plan.市政府采用这个计划会承担更大的财政风险。The austerity measures will have little immediate effect on the average Moroccan.财政紧缩政策不会对普通摩洛哥人产生直接影响。She is probably the most influential member of the finance committee.她也许是财政委员会中最具影响力的人物。The financial outlook is clouded by worry over inflation.对通货膨胀的忧虑使财政前景暗淡。The increased costs will certainly strain our finances.增加的开支肯定会使我们的财政紧张。The government was forced to row back on its austerity plan.政府被迫取消财政紧缩计划。The Senate bill has been referred to the Finance Committee.参议院议案已经提交给了财政委员会。It was thought that skillful monetary and fiscal intervention could rescue the economy.有人认为技术高超的货币和财政干预能够拯救经济。




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