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词汇 local council
例句 The local council refused him planning permission to build an extra bedroom.他要加盖一间卧室,但当地市政局拒绝签发建筑许可。The site abuts property owned by the local council.该地址与一处属于当地议会的地产相邻。Jackson got these plans approved very easily - it makes you wonder if he had the local council in his pocket.杰克逊轻易就让这些计划得到了批准—这令人怀疑他是否操纵了地方市政委员会。They have the power to overrule the local council.他们有权推翻地方议会的决定。The local council has just set up a committee to study recycling.当地市政会刚刚成立了一个研究资源再生利用问题的委员会。The local council has pledged to clamp down on litter louts.当地议会保证要严厉惩治乱扔垃圾者。Many types of outdoor advertisement on land and buildings need consent from the local council.多种地面和建筑物上的户外广告投放都需要得到地方议会的批准。The local council set up a committee of inquiry to look into policing arrangements.地方议会成立了一个调查委员会来对治安维护安排进行调查。All planning applications should be submitted to the local council.所有规划申请都应提交当地政务委员会。The local council runs some good play schemes.当地市政会主持着几个不错的娱乐计划。He accused the local council of allowing a needless tragedy, through a policy of not fitting smoke detectors to council houses.他指责地方议会不在市建住房里安装烟雾报警器的政策酿成了一场不必要的悲剧。She works as a gardener for the local council.她是当地市政委员会的花匠。I told her she should take it up with her local council.我告诉她,她应当告到地方政务委员会去。The local council is supplying new play equipment for the playground.当地议会打算为游乐场提供新的游乐设备。We could find out from the local council.我们可以从当地市政会了解情况。Independent candidates won the majority of seats on the local council.无党派候选人在地方议会选举中赢得了多数席位。Education comprises two-thirds of all local council spending.教育占地方市政会全部开支的三分之二。There were accusations of jobs for the boys on the local council.有人指责地方议会通过走后门安排工作。Residents are fighting the local council over plans for a new road.居民反对地方委员会的新路修建计划。The building is owned by the local council.这幢大楼归地方议会所有。Students should apply to their local council for a grant.学生应该向当地的市政部门申请助学金。




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