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词汇 short for
例句 This dress is a little too short for me.这件衣服对我来说短了点。Life's too short for moping about.人生苦短,经不起自怨自艾。He's quite good-looking but he's too short for me.他长得很帅,但是对我来说有点太矮了。The runway is too short for the plane to take off when it is fully loaded.这条跑道供满载的飞机起飞是太短了。A lifetime is too short for all the great books there are!一生太短,读不完所有的名著!Many children in developing countries are short for their age because of undernourishment.在发展中国家,很多孩子因为营养不良而个子偏矮。He is short for his age.以他这个年龄,他算个头矮的。These sheets I've bought are a cheat; they are too short for the bed.我买的这些被单是冒牌货,铺在床上尺寸太短。Tom just stripped to his shorts for sleeping.汤姆只穿一条短裤衩睡觉。I cut my hair short for the summer.为了过夏天,我把头发剪短了。Her hair was cut short for convenience rather than fashion.她把头发剪短是为了省事而不是赶时髦。The coat is short on him. = The coat is too short for him. 他穿这件外套太短了。




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