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词汇 谄媚
例句 The older man asked in his oily voice what he could do for them today.年长的那个男人声音谄媚地询问今天能为他们做些什么。There was sycophantic laughter from the audience at every one of his terrible jokes.他每讲一个糟糕透顶的笑话,听众都发出谄媚的笑声。I can't stand his brownnosing.我受不了他的谄媚I told him to get lost and leave me alone and his tone quickly changed from obsequiousness to outright anger.我叫他滚开,不要来烦我,他的口气一下子就从逢迎谄媚变成了勃然大怒。They came backstage afterward, cooing and toadying to him.她们随后来到后台,对他娇语谄媚Because he is rich, powerful, and has a lot of clout, he is always surrounded by sycophants.因他有权、有钱、又有势,所以身边不乏奉承谄媚的人。We heard the sound of sycophantic laughter.我们听到了谄媚的笑声。I told him to get lost and his tone quickly changed from obsequiousness to outright anger.我让他滚开,他的语气马上从谄媚变成了勃然大怒。He fawns on anyone in an influential position.他向一切身居要职的人谄媚He was the very worst kind of slimy salesman.他是那种最令人厌恶的谄媚的推销员。He smiled and bowed obsequiously to Winger.谄媚地对温格微笑鞠躬。She's constantly followed by obsequious assistants who will do anything she tells them to.她身后总跟着一群谄媚的助理,对她言听计从。




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