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词汇 binge
例句 He went on a drinking binge at the weekend.他在周末狂饮作乐。He went on an eating binge. 他大吃特吃了一通。He died after a drinking binge.他暴饮致死。It disturbs me to hear reports of binge drinking by teenagers.听到有关青少年狂饮作乐的报道让我感到不安。I get bored with cooking and tend to binge.我厌倦了烹饪,常常会胡吃海塞一通。He became inebriated after attending a binge party.他参加一个狂欢派对之后就变得醉醺醺的。Her college roommate used to binge and purge.她的大学室友过去常常暴食后再强迫自己呕吐。Health professionals say binge drinking at the weekend has become too acceptable.健康专家称人们对周末狂饮过于宽容。The Bank would have to raise interest rates in the coming months to bring the borrowing binge to an end.英格兰银行将不得不在未来几个月里提高利率以终结贷款热潮。The soccer star went on a terrifying six-week cocaine binge.那位足球明星毫无节制地吸食可卡因达六周之久,令人惊骇。He went on a drunken binge when he heard the bad news.他听到那则坏消息就去借酒消愁。We binge-watched an entire season of Breaking Bad on Sunday.我们星期天一口气看完了整季的《绝命毒师》。I realized that I wasn't an alcoholic, but I was a binge drinker.我意识到自己不是个酒鬼,但有时会狂饮一番。




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