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Marling's article on Northumbria attracted a large postbag.马林关于诺森布里亚的文章刊出后读者来信纷至沓来。The letters column of this newspaper is a forum for public argument.这份报纸的读者来信栏是公众意见的论坛。She writes a weekly advice column in the local paper.她为当地报纸撰写每周一期的读者来信专栏。They have turned up in the letters page of The Irish Times.他们的名字出现在《爱尔兰时报》的读者来信版。We invite readers' letters for this column.本栏欢迎读者来信。The Editor reserves the right to abridge readers' letters.编辑保留着删节读者来信的权利。We welcome readers' letters for possible inclusion on this page.欢迎读者来信,我们会在本版选登。 |