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例句 She described him as a typical Guardian reader.她把他描述为一个典型的《卫报》读者His books are enjoyable, but they don't do much to challenge the reader's gray matter. 他的书挺有趣,但不太能够挑战读者的智力。The oversimplification results in the possibility of misunderstanding by the reader.过于简单化有可能使读者产生误解。The books provide the reader with an introduction to natural history.这些书向读者介绍了博物学的入门知识。The readership was preponderantly female.读者大多数是女性。The magazine is aimed mainly at brides-to-be.该杂志的主要读者是准新娘们。The reader soon picks up on the fact that the story's main character is crazy.读者很快发现这个故事的主人公很疯狂。Journalists should present a balanced picture of events.新闻工作者应客观公正地将新闻事件的面貌呈现给读者The author cross-refers to his other books.作者指引读者参见他的其他书籍。A list of technical terms is included here to aid the reader.此处附有科技术语表以帮助读者理解。The newspaper's readers are mostly middle class.那份报纸的读者大都是中产阶级。He was known for his incendiary remarks, most of them unprintable in a family newspaper.他以发表煽动性言论闻名,许多不宜刊登在以家庭为目标读者的报纸上。One lucky reader will win the holiday of a lifetime.有一位幸运读者将会赢得一次千载难逢的度假机会。Ishmael, the narrator of the story, tells the reader why he went to sea.这个故事的叙述者伊什梅尔告诉读者他为何出海。Say's writings reached a wide audience during his lifetime.在塞伊有生之年,他的作品拥有大量的读者The book made a great impact on its readers.这本书对读者有很大的影响。The writer gets no immediate feedback and simply has to imagine the reader's reaction.作家没有得到即时的反馈,只能想象读者的反应。His laid-back style delights the reader.他自在的风格使读者感到愉悦。His novels make many demands on the reader. 读者很难读懂他的小说。Readers are referred to the bibliography for further information.读者可查看参考书目获取详细资料。He enjoys shocking his readers.他很喜欢吓唬读者All that has been told is merely an appetizer for the book itself.说到上述种种只是为了引起读者对这部书本身的更大兴趣。His prose is inaccessible to many readers.很多读者都理解不了他的散文。He has entranced millions of people with his beautifully illustrated books.他那些附有精美插图的书吸引了上百万的读者She left it to the readers to decide the story's ending.她把故事的结局留给读者决定。Readers were electrified by the paper's audacity.读者对这篇论文的大言不惭感到震惊。She's a fast/slow/avid/voracious reader.她读书很快/读书很慢/酷爱阅读/是一位求知欲很强的读者We welcome feedback from our readers.我们欢迎来自读者的反馈信息。Some readers may be sufficiently intrigued to unpick the arguments and see why he is right.一些读者可能有足够的兴趣对那些论据条分缕析,想弄清楚他为什么是对的。The magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults.这份杂志的读者对象是青少年和二十来岁的年轻人。The author keeps her readers off balance by always changing the subject.这个作者总在变换她的话题,把读者弄得云里雾里。This magazine is criticized for pandering to the vulgar taste of some readers.这家杂志因迎合某些读者的低级趣味而遭到批评。The book is intended for adult readers.这本书是给成年读者看的。The magazine is aimed primarily at twentysomethings.这本杂志主要针对二十多岁的读者His autobiography provides an illuminating insight into his mind.他的自传使读者得以洞悉他的内心世界。We've received positive comments from many of our readers.我们获得了许多读者的好评。As the editor's postscript reminds the reader, she was to endure two more spells of mental illness before the book was published.正如编辑在附言中提醒读者的那样,她在本书出版前还要再经历两次精神疾病发作的折磨。The writer's house has become a shrine to/for his fans.这名作家的住所已经成了忠实读者的瞻仰地。Professor Hawking's book is intended for the lay person who has an interest in the field of nuclear physics and astronomy.霍金教授这本书的读者对象是对核物理学和天文学感兴趣的外行人。In a good report, individual sentences knit together in a clear way that readers can follow.一份好的报告中,各单句之间衔接紧凑,思路清晰,读者很容易读懂。




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