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词汇 说话声
例句 He spoke in a quiet yet confident voice.说话声音平缓,但很自信。She spoke in a quiet voice but used remarkably coarse expressions.说话声音很小,但是用了些特别粗俗的字眼儿。That squeaky voice is beginning to jar on me.那尖细的说话声开始让我不舒服了。The sound of many voices awoke her with a start.一阵杂乱的说话声把她惊醒了。We could hear the drone of their voices.我们听得见他们低沉的说话声Her voice was low, shaking under the veneer of calm.她故作镇静,低低的说话声却在颤抖。He could hear voices from way off in another part of the house.他能听到从屋子的另一边传来的说话声I detected anger in her voice.我察觉出她说话声里含著愤怒。The room was loud with the chatter of talk.房间里一片嘈杂的说话声You sound just like he does.说话声音和他一样。There was a hardness in her voice I hadn't heard before.她的说话声里有一种我过去从未听到过的强硬语气。Modulation of voice and stance may influence a jury.说话声音和站立姿势的变化可能对陪审团产生影响。I could hear voices coming from somewhere among the bushes.我能听到灌木丛中某个地方传来的说话声The house echoed with the sound of children's voices.屋子里回荡着孩子们的说话声Voices and footsteps outside heralded their return.外面的说话声和脚步声预告了他们的归来。She spoke in a tiny cutesy voice.说话声音细细的,很做作。I could hear voices in the next room.我能听到隔壁房间的说话声His voice tailed off as he drifted into sleep.他迷迷糊糊地快睡着了,说话声越来越小。Christopher's voice broke into her thoughts.克里斯托弗的说话声打断了她的思绪。What's the name of that guy on TV - you know, the one with the silly voice?电视里那个人叫什么——你知道的,那个说话声音很怪的人?I could hear angry voices in the next room.我听见隔壁房间里愤怒的说话声She trailed off, silenced by the look Kris gave her.她看到克里斯给她的眼色,说话声越来越小,最后不作声了。Their voices echoed off into the night.他们的说话声渐渐远去,消失在夜空之中。I could hear people talking in the next room.我能听见隔壁房间里的说话声There were low, muffled voices rising from the hallway.从走廊里隐约传来了低沉的说话声He has a very deep speaking voice. 说话声音十分低沉。The mumble of his voice vanished.他含糊的说话声渐渐听不见了。Her ordinary tone of voice is very loud.她通常说话声音很响。His voice trailed off as he saw the look on her face.当他看到她脸上的表情时,他的说话声越来越小,最后听不见了。I listened, but the voices were just out of hearing range.我听了听,但说话声离得太远听不见。I could hear muffled voices in the next room.我听到隔壁房间有低沉的说话声She was startled to hear voices coming from upstairs.她听见楼上传来说话声,吓了一跳。His face suddenly turned solemn, his voice confidential.他的脸色突然变得严肃,说话声音也轻悄悄的。I nearly died of fright when I heard his voice behind me.听到他在我身后的说话声,我吓了个半死。They dropped their voices as they entered church.进入教堂之后他们放低了自己的说话声We were trying to talk above the noise.我们当时正努力使说话声盖过噪声。The voices buzzing all around echoed in her ears.周围嗡嗡的说话声一直在她耳边回响。Her voice had a matter-of-fact quality.她的说话声不带感情。I heard the soft warble of her speaking voice.我听到她柔和的带着颤音的说话声Stephen put his arms around her and his voice became a soft, husky whisper.斯蒂芬抱住她,说话声变成了温柔低沉的耳语。




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